Textual strategies in Ukrainian drama 1980-2010 yy.

Цокол, Олена Олександрівна (2017) Textual strategies in Ukrainian drama 1980-2010 yy. PhD thesis, Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка.

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The thesis is dedicated to the research of modern literary situation, namely new trends in Ukrainian drama and adaptation of global postmodern discourse in the Ukrainian national context. Encompassing four decades, we have analyzed a system of textual strategies in the Ukrainian drama based on genre changes, plot and character with the use of archetypal critics (Freud, Jung, Frei). This gave us an opportunity to include the dramaturgy into the context of modern Ukrainian literature. Within the traditional split by decades we have identified three generations of authors – the Eightiers, the Ninetiers and the Twothousanders – and performed a classification of personalities (Pavlo Arie, A. Bagryana, Y. Vereshchak, A. Vyshnevsky, O. Viter, V. Gerasymchuk, L. Demska, T. Ivashchenko, O. Irvanets, A. Krym, O. Mykolaichuk-Nyzovets, Neda Nezhdana, S. Novytska, O. Pogrebinska, S. Schuchenko and others). The chronological bounds were mainly confirmed by the stylistic and architectonic changes in the style of works. We have considered the main stages in the development and formation of modern Ukrainian drama’s receptive field in critics and literary science. We have also demonstrated the presence of a high level of interest in drama writings by the national literary science in a historic context. We have paid attention to the conceptual foundations of the notion of “textual strategy” and analyzed the relation between the notions of “author’s strategy”, “staging strategy” and “perception strategy”. In this dissertation, we have proposed for the first time a classification of textual strategies in modern Ukrainian drama of 1980-2010s. We have singled out three groups of strategies: new, modern, and traditional ones. New strategies include geographical plays, plays with local scene of action with multiple polylogues, decycled plays, short plays and circular plays. Modern strategies include: gamified beginning, characters from international plots, drama with two characters, and monodrama. Traditional strategies include monodrama, theatre in theatre, historical (myths, persons), religious, biographical, usage of characters from international plots with addition of new names. The analysis of modern plays was expanded by new theoretical and factual material based on archetypal critics. We have further explained the genre modifications and genre synthesis from other kinds of art. We have improved the research of tendencies in choosing the type of drama character and introduced a number of little-known plays into the research domain, which have not received due attention in the literary process of the 20th century previously. We have also added unpublished works of playwrights kept in authors’ archives to the analysis.

Item Type: Thesis (PhD)
Uncontrolled Keywords: textual strategy, modern drama, postmodernism, genre, character, archetype.
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Автореферати > Спецради Університету
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > НМЦ > НМЦ досліджень, наукових проектів та програм
Depositing User: Ганна Сало
Date Deposited: 01 Jun 2017 08:00
Last Modified: 19 Jun 2017 07:06
URI: https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/19690

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