«The connection with Volunteer Army is already ruptured...» (Creation of a «Ukrainian section» in a camp of interned soldiers «Armed Forces of the South of Russia» in Stshalkovo, spring - summer of 1920)

Срібняк, Ігор Володимирович (2017) «The connection with Volunteer Army is already ruptured...» (Creation of a «Ukrainian section» in a camp of interned soldiers «Armed Forces of the South of Russia» in Stshalkovo, spring - summer of 1920) Гуржіївські історичні читання, - (11). pp. 104-109. ISSN 978-966-920-241-3

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Introduction. The article analyzes the process of separation of interned Ukrainian soldiers into the «Ukrainian section» in the Stshalkovo camp (Poland), where at that time servicemen of the «Armed Forces of the South of Russia» were detained. Purpose. Reproduction of the process of national differentiation in the environment of interned warfare from the «Armed Forces of the South of Russia», which were kept in the camp Stshalkovo, which led to the creation of a "Ukrainian section" in order to replenish the army of the Ukrainian People's Republic. Results. Іn the camp Stshalkovo was created Ukrainian choir and theater, whose activities objectively contributed to the processes of national-ideological differentiation among the interned. After that, the division of the part of the soldiers who agreed to enter the service of the Army of the Ukrainian People's Republic began to be selected. For this purpose, in the camp, a «Ukrainian section» was created, the internal life of which was regulated by the orders of its chief of colonel Prikhodko. An active organizational assistance to Ukrainian soldiers in the camp was provided by the Ukrainian Military Mission headed by General Victor Zelinsky in Warsaw. Originality. For the preparation of this article, archival documents stored in the Central State Archives of the supreme bodies of power and administration of Ukraine in Kyiv were used and which have not yet been introduced into scientific circulation. Conclusion. Conducting cultural and educational work has created favorable opportunities for uniting the conscious part of the Interned under the slogans of the Ukrainian People's Republic. He camp organized Ukrainian studies, which covered all who wished (including the Cossacks), which ended after the departure of 600 Cossacks to the Ukrainian national team in Lancut, accompanied by 50 Officers are Ukrainians.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Дану статтю підготовлено завдяки сприянню Студіуму Східної Європи (Studium Europy Wschodniej) Варшавського університету, за ініціативи якого 2014 р. була започаткована щорічна Нагорода імені Івана Виговського (під почесним патронатом Президента Польщі), що вручається рішенням її Капітули з числа делегатів від 25 університетів та вищих шкіл Польщі.
Uncontrolled Keywords: Interned; camp; Stshalkovo; officer; «Ukrainian section»;
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет суспільно-гуманітарних наук > Кафедра всесвітньої історії
Depositing User: професор Ігор Володимирович Срібняк
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2017 06:48
Last Modified: 21 Nov 2017 13:54
URI: https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/20490

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