Life on the Eastern frontiers of Old Europe

Videiko, Mykhailo and Burdo, Nataliia (2018) Life on the Eastern frontiers of Old Europe Vita Antiqua (10). 135 -145. ISSN 2519-4542

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The concept of Old Europe defines its boundaries with the proliferation of ancient farming cultures. Its eastern boundary is designated by the districts of Trypillia Сulture, the Eastern part of Cucuteni-Trypillia Cultural Unity, which reached Dnipro valley at the second half of the Vth Millenium BC. At this time we see several local types of Trypillya Culture, each with some differences at material culture (mainly at pottery stylistics), some different features in the economy. Subsequently, this added to the difference in the public organization. These groups were completely autonomous, while there is a tendency for their active interaction, perhaps the subordination of the less powerful groups by stronger. Marked by complicated pottery assemblages ‘multiculturality” at Dnipro region developed around 600- 800 years and led to more cultural differentiation inside the area to North from Ros river. At the same time groups with painted pottery, located to South from this area still remained homogeneous. For nearly a millennium (from 4300 to 3400-3200 BC), we can observe the few different strategies of life at the Trypillia Culture Eastern frontiers. From one side here we have some large groups, resistant to external influences, and small groups of population, aimed at the formation of multicultural communities. At the same time, trade was always an important connecting factor at all times.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Old Europe, Dnipro region, Eastern frontier, Trypillia Culture, multiculturality
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Збірники наукових праць
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет суспільно-гуманітарних наук > Кафедра археології та давньої історії
Depositing User: д.і.н. Михайло Юрієвич Відейко
Date Deposited: 01 Apr 2019 10:04
Last Modified: 01 Apr 2019 10:06

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