Library Studies and History of Library Affairs

Поліщук, Тетяна Ігорівна (2019) Library Studies and History of Library Affairs [Teaching Resource]

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The purpose of discipline is to provide students with knowledge of theoretical and methodological, organizational and historical foundations of library science and librarianship as a science and academic discipline, as well as'find out the phenomenon of libraries as social and cultural phenomena, to learn the basics the organization of functioning of librarianship, to examine the major milestones in the path traversed by domestic and foreign libraries since their appearance to the present day, to trace the evolution of various types of libraries, the peculiarities of their functioning within specific countries and historical periods, to determine the continuity of the library tradition, the significance of historical experience regarding today's domestic library practice gain practical skills for future professional activities. Objectives of the course: – to study theoretical bases of library science and library history business as a science and academic discipline; – to consider the basic historical stages of development of library science and the library business in Ukraine and abroad; to reveal the peculiarities of the history of librarianship as a component of the history the General history of mankind and the history of world culture; – to master the methodology and methods of library science and history librarianship; – to see the organization and major trends bbiotechnology research in Ukraine at the present stage; – to form a General concept about the library and its role in society functions structural-functional model, the essence of the system organization library; – to learn scientific approaches to classification and typology libraries; to be familiar with professional requirements to the librarian, the theoretical principles of library profesaor; – to study theoretical bases and practical aspects of the organization the functioning of librarianship, in particular the principles and laws the formation of library systems, tipulidae structure of the library system Ukraine modern approaches to the management of librarianship; – to investigate the main directions of development of libraries and librarianship in different historical stages in Ukraine and abroad; – to get acquainted with the regional specifics of development of librarianship in the world; – to consider the history of librarianship, given its personalization; to identify the significance of historical experience regarding today's domestic library practice.

Item Type: Teaching Resource
Uncontrolled Keywords: library business; classification; typologization; development of libraries; research methodology and methodology;
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Нормативні документи > Робочі програми навчальних дисциплін
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра інформаційних комунікацій
Depositing User: Лаборант Вікторія Євгенівна Фещенко
Date Deposited: 05 Nov 2019 14:02
Last Modified: 05 Nov 2019 14:02

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