Stylistic aspect of the Jeremy Corbyn realization of the discrediting opponent tactics within the UK Prime Minister question time discourse, 09.04.2019

Гуменюк, Наталья Григорьевна (2020) Stylistic aspect of the Jeremy Corbyn realization of the discrediting opponent tactics within the UK Prime Minister question time discourse, 09.04.2019 Актуальнi питання гуманiтарних наук: Мiжвузiвський збiрник наукових праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогiчного унiверситету iменi Iвана Франка HUMANITIES SCIENCE CURRENT ISSUES: Interuniversity collection of Drohobych Ivan Franko State, 2 (30). pp. 136-142. ISSN 2308-4855; 2308-4863

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The following work deals with the investigation of the Expressive means and Stylistic devices used by Jeremy Corbyn within the Question Time of the UK Prime Minister discourse, 09.04.19, with the purpose to discredite the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnsons and his Conservative Party as a whole. It is underlined that the Question Time of the UK Prime Minister discourse as a subtype of the parliamentary debates discourse is an aggressive, conflict, confronting communication. It has the global strategic purpose to gain and retain power and the immediate purposes to discredite opponents, to praise the allies, to make self-praising, self-presentation. The long-term struggle of the Conservative and Labour Parties for power in the country determines the confronting nature of the Question Time of the UK Prime Minister discourse in the House of Commons. It is underlined that discrediting means to diminish somebody’s authority, significance and importance with the aim to dominate, to be the leader, deprive opponents to be leaders. It is pointed out that Jeremy Corbyn uses the discrediting tactics “Opponent is a liar”, “Opponent is non-professional, incompetent”. It is stressed that all the used tactics are intertwined and interconnected within the given discourse and aimed to discredite the individual or the collective opponent. It is pointed out that realization of these tactics is possible with the help of the Stylistic devices and Expressive means usage to provoke the addressee attention to the information important for the addressor of message. This is possible to realize by appealing to the feelings and emotions of the addressee, by making the given information stressed and acute with its elements used in the unusual or strong position, by using a great many of provoking elements within the limited space of message. It is stated that Jeremy Corbyn uses a set of Stylistic devices and Expressive means to realize the discrediting opponent tactics: metaphors, detachments, parenthetical sentences, climax, enumerations, repetitions, parallel constructions, epithets, nominative sentences, intensifiers, antithesis, transposition.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: stylistic devices and expressive means; discrediting; discrediting tactics; the Question Time of the UK Prime Minister discourse; constellation; foregrounding of information.
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Наукові (входять до інших наукометричних баз, крім перерахованих, мають ISSN, DOI, індекс цитування)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Кафедра англійської філології та перекладу
Depositing User: доцент Наталя Григорівна Гуменюк
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2020 11:05
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2020 11:05

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