Competence approach to professional training of speech pathologists teachers for educational integration of children with defects in mental and physical development

Мартинчук, Олена Валеріївна (2013) Competence approach to professional training of speech pathologists teachers for educational integration of children with defects in mental and physical development Науковий часопис НПУ імені М.П.Драгоманова . Серія №19.Корекційна педагогіка та спеціальна психологія:зб.наукових праць, 19 (24). pp. 153-158. ISSN 2310-0893

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The paper deals with the problem of training of professionals of correctional education to work in the system of inclusive education. The actuality of this issue and methodological approaches for implementation of competent and professional vocational training of teacher-pathologists to the educational integration of children with mental and physical disabilities are investigate The essence of the competence approach as a fundamental scientific approach to preparing students for future remedial teachers in university education is defined. The analysis of the concepts of "competence", "competent", "professional competence of a teacher-pathologist in the educational integration of children with mental and physical disabilities" is done, which allowed determining the nature of the competency approach to professional training of teacher-pathologists for professional activities in inclusive training and education. The system of specific training of teacher-pathologists for correctional education in secondary school from the perspective of the competence approach, which identifies as the main result of formation competencies in the process of educational activities in higher educational establishment are characterized. Those characteristics are defined by major types of professional and special skills of the teacher-pathologist

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: competence approach; professional competence of a teacher-pathologist; educational integration; inclusive education and training
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет психології, соціальної роботи та спеціальної освіти > Кафедра спеціальної та інклюзивної освіти
Depositing User: Лаборант Катерина Євгенівна Нікода
Date Deposited: 25 Mar 2014 08:53
Last Modified: 23 May 2016 10:52

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