Ковальчук, Василь Іванович (2014) MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF PROGRAMS IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION Мaterials of proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical conference of pedagogues and psychologists "Scientific genesis" the 8-th of August, 2014, Geneva ,(Switzerland) (V ІІ). pp. 7-30. ISSN 9785437903223

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The article is devoted to the monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs in the feld of education. The author specifes the notions of project and program. In particular, the Program (economic, social) is a set of interrelated activities, action plan designed to achieve a common goal, solve a problem. The project is a time limited activity aimed at creating a unique product or service; any activity that has a clearly defned starting point and goal, the achievement of which means the end of work. Program or project is a special form of activity, characterized in that it aims to achieve a specifc target - the result, a predetermined manner using a well-known in advance and a limited number of resources, conditioned in advance terms. The analysis of scientifc and methodological literature on the research and monitoring of project activities was conducted as well as their key areas were identifed. Defned differences between monitoring and evaluation were defned: Monitoring is a regular tracking of key elements of the program/ project (usually) contributions, process and results by maintaining the documentation and records, regular reporting and supervisory systems, and monitoring of educational establishments and their research. Evaluation is an episodic analysis of changes in planned outcomes associated with the intervention of the program or project. In other words, evaluation attempts to link certain result or outcome with the intervention after a certain period of time. Thus, evaluation helps program or project managers to determine the value or importance of a particular project or program. Seven steps to build a monitoring system and evaluate the project were defned: Step One: Planning of the activities and interventions (defning goals, objectives, service delivery areas, target groups and scope of work). Step Two: Defning Scorecard: selection of indicators, defning baseline data, setting goals. Step Three: Selection of organizations/partners - service providers, conducting capacity assessment, development of reporting formats. Step Four: Program monitoring - quantitative and qualitative indicators; maintaining accounting software. Step Five: Data collection and analysis, data quality. Step Six: Evaluation of projects and interventions. Step Seven: Implementation of M&E results in management decisions, the use of data. Recommendations for implementation of each stage are presented.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: program, design, monitoring, evaluation, monitoring and evaluation system, structural logic framework
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > РИНЦ
Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Наукові конференції > Міжнародні
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Інститут післядипломної освіти > Кафедра дошкільної та початкової освіти
Depositing User: Василь Іванович Ковальчук
Date Deposited: 22 Sep 2014 09:50
Last Modified: 17 Apr 2015 10:26

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