The linguistic and cultural approach to teaching the ukrainian as a foreign language (on the example of studing Borys Grynchenko’s personality)

Горохова, Тетяна Олександрівна and Вінтонів, Тетяна Миколаївна and Вінтонів, Михайло Олексійович (2022) The linguistic and cultural approach to teaching the ukrainian as a foreign language (on the example of studing Borys Grynchenko’s personality) Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка. Педагогічні науки (3 (50)). pp. 111-118.

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In the language education of foreign citizens, it is important to master non-linguistic information, which helps to achieve mutual understanding between communicators who operate with information about the surrounding reality at different levels. That is why the application of the linguistic and cultural approach to teaching the Ukrainian as a foreign language is relevant in order to provide students with the necessary knowledge about the specifics of a foreign-speaking country. However, the practical aspects of the implementation the linguistic and cultural approach into the process of learning the Ukrainian as a foreign language are insufficiently covered in the scientific and methodical literature. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the peculiarities of the linguistic and cultural approach implementation into the process of teaching the Ukrainian as a foreign language with the use of multimedia technologies on the example of the study of the character of Borys Grinchenko. It was found that the use of linguistic and didactic, linguistic and cultural, communicative, text-based approaches is the most effective in the process of forming practical skills of foreign students. The research singles out the linguistic and cultural approach as the one that makes it possible to solve the main tasks in the forming of foreign students’ communicative competence. The article examines the varieties of didactic processing the linguistic and cultural material during the study of the Ukrainian as a foreign language. The system of creative tasks using multimedia technologies is proposed. A number of exercises have been developed from the elementary stage of studying the Ukrainian as a foreign language to the level of bachelor's degree at philological faculties. The stages of pre-text, text and post-text work, which can be embodied into the system of exercises and tasks, are considered. It was also found out that the platform with audio and video recordings of texts "Listen" is useful and important in this kind of work. It is proved that the discussion in linguistic didactics is recognized as an effective method of stimulating the speech and mental activity of the student in group forms of work. The scientific novelty of the research results lies in the deepening of methodological approaches, the development of methodological guidelines for the application of the linguistic and cultural approach to teaching the Ukrainian as a foreign language at different levels (A1-B2). It has been proved that the linguistic and cultural approach to the study the character of Borys Grinchenko in the context of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language will bring students closer to Ukrainian culture, contribute to their faster adaptation in a foreign-speaking society, and intensify the process of forming Ukrainian language competence. The task of the teacher is to control constantly the process of understanding and assimilation of the material by foreign students, the level of formation of their skills and abilities, correct the language activity in the process of group and individual work, comment nationally marked vocabulary, phenomena of grammar, phraseology, use modern multimedia teaching tools in classes with the aim of activating students' communicative activity.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: linguistic and cultural approach; text; multimedia technologies; educational text; reproductive direction; communicative competence
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра української мови
Depositing User: Тетяна Горохова
Date Deposited: 30 May 2023 08:16
Last Modified: 30 May 2023 08:16

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