Determining the readiness of future preschool education specialists to form the basis of social and civil competence of children of early age

Пономаренко, Тетяна Олександрівна and Шинкар, Тетяна Юріївна (2023) Determining the readiness of future preschool education specialists to form the basis of social and civil competence of children of early age Колективна (три і більше авторів). Theoretical and practical aspects of science development : Scientific monograph. Part 2. Publishing House “Baltija Publishing”, Riga, Latvia, Riga, Latvia.

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The study determined the relevance of the problem of preparation of future specialists of preschool education for the formation of the foundations of social and civic competence of young children. Attention is drawn to the importance of studying the phenomenon of early childhood, the formation of a comprehensive, harmoniously developed personality of the child precisely at the early stages of its development, which necessitates the need to ensure the quality of professional training of future specialists of preschool education, in particular, the formation of their readiness for the formation of the specified competence of children. The essence of a number of scientific works related to the problem under investigation is briefly characterised. The purpose and tasks of the research are defined. Its methodological, theoretical and methodical foundations are outlined. The peculiarities of the mental and emotional development of young children, their self-esteem, selfawareness, which determine the possibility of forming the foundations of their social and civic competence in the totality of its components (value-motivational, cognitive, activity, emotional) are revealed. Certain negative trends are evident in educational interaction and communication between educators and children, such as an authoritarian style of communication and a predominance of group activities with toddlers. Additionally, there is a noticeable imbalance towards negative evaluation of children's activities as opposed to positive evaluation. Other concerning factors include the transfer of methods used to raise older preschool children to the educational process of young children and a lack of dialogue and interpersonal interaction. Approaches to determining the content of managerial and pedagogical competence of future specialists in preschool education are outlined. The components of the studied competence (health-saving, design, organisational and methodological, communicative, leadership, regulatory and legal) are determined in accordance with the professional standard "Head (Director) of Preschool Education Institution". Based on the analysis of the results of the theoretical, methodological and methodological foundations of the study, this article presents the ascertaining stage of the experimental part of the research. In order to study the state of formation of future preschool education specialists' readiness to form the foundations of social and civic competence of young children, the specifics of the development of the components of the studied readiness were investigated: motivational (motivation of managerial and pedagogical activities of learners to form the specified competence of children within certain groups of motives – social, professional, personal development, external attractiveness of managerial activities, etc.) as well as cognitive and active (managerial and pedagogical knowledge, skills, abilities within the competences outlined on the basis of the professional standard "Head (Director) of Preschool Education Institution". The analysis of the results of the ascertaining stage of the experiment allows confirming the relevance of the research problem and determining further prospects for the effective formation of the studied readiness in the aggregate of its components. Further research is needed to determine and test the effectiveness of pedagogical support in shaping the readiness of future preschool education specialists to form the foundations of social and civic competence of young children.

Item Type: Monograph (Колективна (три і більше авторів))
Uncontrolled Keywords: future preschool education specialists; basics of social and civic competence; young children
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Монографії > Видані за кордоном (окрім країн СНД)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра дошкільної освіти
Depositing User: Тетяна Юріївна Шинкар
Date Deposited: 31 Oct 2023 11:03
Last Modified: 31 Oct 2023 11:03

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