Legal basis of implementation of digital technologies in the educatoin process in Ukraine

Khatniuk, Nataliia and Oblovatska, Natalia (2023) Legal basis of implementation of digital technologies in the educatoin process in Ukraine Колективна (три і більше авторів). Innovations in the Education of the Future: Integration of Humanities, Technical and Natural Sciences : International collective monograph, FIT CTU in Prague, Республіка Чехія, Prague.

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In their research work, the authors present an innovative scientific position regarding the legal justification for the implementation and use of various types of digital technologies in the provision of educational services, such as, for example, artificial intelligence or digital intelligence. Scientists reveal various forms of application of digital technologies in the educational process, however, they attach special importance to the use of artificial intelligence as an innovative tool in the field of providing educational services. The authors provide an interpretation of such concepts as "artificial intelligence" or "artificial mind", "digital technologies", "digital system", "database", "electronic applications", "computer programs", "superintelligence", "robotics" , "digital organism", "automated control systems". The authors draw attention to the relevance of the questions of this research, since the use of various forms of digital technologies, in particular, artificial intelligence, has gained popularity in various spheres of life, namely, in medical diagnostics, biology, pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering, engineering, military and light industry, materials production, insurance and banking activities, exchange activities, acoustic and optical recognition, telephone and Internet communication, television, in addition to popularizing the introduction of artificial intelligence in the educational process. Some aspects of the application of possible forms of digital intelligence in the provision of various types of educational services have been studied, which can ensure the preparation of materials for lectures, conduct seminars and practical classes both in the classroom and remotely, prepare employment contracts and contracts, form tasks, develop educational work programs, tasks, tests and any educational materials, build information models, simulate the most complex thinking processes, including various cases and, accordingly, propose mechanisms, formulas or ways to solve problems. Also, among the educational services that artificial intelligence is capable of providing, the authors consider some of them, namely, the development of a scheme, table, diagram according to specified criteria or parameters, modeling of a problem, formulas and training, preparation of a contract, writing a corresponding statement or complaint, outlining ways solving problems. However, the author notes that the use of artificial intelligence is not possible for all specialties of educational institutions, such as, for example, fine arts, choreography, design, architecture, construction, music, cybernetics, information and telecommunication technologies, medicine, journalism, radio electronics, biology , physiology, pharmaceuticals, etc. Also, the authors of the work reveal the problems of legal support for the implementation and use of artificial intelligence in the field of providing educational services, namely the lack of appropriate legislative regulation and the need to establish at the legislative level the instruments of influence on the development, use and implementation of artificial intelligence not only in the field of providing educational services, but also in other International collective monograph INNOVATIONS IN THE EDUCATION OF THE FUTURE: INTEGRATION OF HUMANITIES, TECHNICAL AND NATURAL SCIENC 217 popular areas of its use. Thus, the authors proposed a number of regulatory tools to ensure the legal regime for the use of artificial intelligence in the educational process

Item Type: Monograph (Колективна (три і більше авторів))
Uncontrolled Keywords: legal basis; educational activity; educational process; educational services; types of educational services; digital technologies; artificial intelligence; artificial ntelligence; forms of artificial intelligence; artificial intelligence technologies; database; electronic programs; automatic control systems; digital devices; software product; chat -boat
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Монографії > Видані в Україні
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет права та міжнародних відносин > Кафедра публічного права
Depositing User: Наталія Сергіївна Хатнюк
Date Deposited: 15 Dec 2023 08:40
Last Modified: 08 Jan 2024 11:10

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