Preparing primary school teachers to use comics in reading lessons by means of Instagram page

Нежива, Людмила Львівна and Топіха, Є.М. (2023) Preparing primary school teachers to use comics in reading lessons by means of Instagram page Молодий вчений, 123 (11). pp. 76-80. ISSN 2304-5809, 2313-2167

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The article deals with the peculiarities of preparing primary school teachers to use comics in liter-ary reading lessons in order to develop the reading competence of primary schoolchildren. The importance and specifics of developing the Instagram page "Comics_in_Education" are substantiated. The target audience of the Instagram page are teachers who are interested in improving their professional competence and its subject-meth-odological component, in particular, the use of comics in the language and literary education of primary school students. The page is aimed not only at the Ukrainian-speaking audience, but also at the English-speaking one. Its significance for the educational space and teacher training is revealed. It is a virtual platform not only for creating educational content and transmitting information, but also for casual communication between teachers, exchanging views and sharing experiences. The author's page contains posts and stories that present: the specif-ics of comics; types of comics; the benefits of using comics in the educational process of primary school; didactic possibilities of comics; digital tools for creating a quality educational media product. The article describes: the peculiarities of developing the Instagram page "Comics_in_Education"; the effectiveness of choosing this plat-form, its advantages and disadvantages; information content. Examples of the use of comics in reading lessons are given, including retelling a story based on a comic book or continuing a story. Also, comics can be used to stimulate students' creativity, for example, by creating their own comics or filling in the verbal bubble with the characters' replicas. The effectiveness of the developed product was proved based on monitoring conducted among teachers: a questionnaire and survey before creating the page and a control survey after its use. The research was conducted in English and Ukrainian schools. The survey was aimed at studying teachers' opinions on the didactic possibilities of comics; the importance of using them in primary school lessons; the advantages and disadvantages of using comics in reading lessons; the need to create author's educational media products; the level of complexity of creating their own comics for educational purposes

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: teacher training; comics; reading lessons; social media; Instagram
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Index Copernicus
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра початкової освіти
Depositing User: Олена Іванівна Агоста
Date Deposited: 27 Dec 2023 12:57
Last Modified: 27 Dec 2023 12:57

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