The leading motifs and images of the poetry book by Pavlo Vyshebaba “Just don’t write to me about the war”

Гальчук, Оксана Василівна (2023) The leading motifs and images of the poetry book by Pavlo Vyshebaba “Just don’t write to me about the war” Літературний процес: методологія, імена, тенденції (22). pp. 15-23. ISSN 2311-2433; 2412-2475

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The article aims to  analyse the  leading motifs and artistic features of  the  poetic language of  Pavlo Vyshebaba’s debut book “Just don’t Write to Me about the War”. The relevance of this study is determined by  the  need to  understand combatant literature as  a  component of  contemporary Ukrainian war literature; the  need to  determine the  specifics of  the  correlation between the  artistic picture of the world of the book and the question of identity. The subject of the analysis is the peculiarities of  Vyshebaba’s poetic representation of  the  theme “man and war”. For  this purpose, such scientific methods as hermeneutic, intertextual, and archetypal ones are used. It is observed that the author’s interpretation of the theme of “man and war” is revealed in a complex of motifs of social, philosophical, and intimate lyrics. The  issues of  personal, generational, and national identity are identified as  the  leitmotif of  Vyshebaba’s poetry book. The  artistic images of  the  world which are revealed in  the  topos of  the  war structured by  “front, shelter”, and “foreign land” are outlined. In  the  course of the study, the author proposes a typology of the book’s works into the lyrics of choice, created before the full-scale war, and the lyrics of duty, written after its outbreak. The main problematic of the former is  related to  the  question of  the  national and creative identity of  the  lyrical hero. The  choice made by the lyrical hero determines his fate in the time-space of the war, outlined in the lyrics of the rank. It  manifests itself in  historically specific, literary, cultural, and autobiographical coordinates. When modelling the image of war, the poet does not resort to detailed battle scenes and military vocabulary. Instead, he prefers to reflect on the meaning of existence, activates the motif of memory, and plunges into the  psychological portrait of  the  hero. It  has been determined that, as  in  the  lyrics of  choice, the peculiarity of the disclosure of the theme man and war is due to the combatant’s experience and the  author’s artistic dialogism. His idiostyle is  characterised by  biblical reminiscences and allusions, references to Dante, J. Donne, Voltaire, etc.; intertextual connections at the level of titles (“City with Chimeras”, “The Divine Comedy”, etc.), poetic stylizations (prayer, carol, counting, lullaby, and hokku). In fact, the question of the sources of intertextuality and the peculiarities of the author’s interpretation is a prospect for further study of Vyshebaba’s lyrics.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pavlo Vyshebaba; war literature; combatant lyrics; topos of  war; generational identity; intertextuality
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Index Copernicus
Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра світової літератури
Depositing User: професор Оксана Гальчук
Date Deposited: 01 Jan 2024 13:43
Last Modified: 01 Jan 2024 13:43

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