Semantic evolution of a lexeme in historical context: analysis of changes in its meaning and usage

Видайчук, Тетяна Леонідівна and Русаченко, Наталя Павлівна and Лахно, Наталія Валентинівна and Ладоня, К.Ю. and Коротун, О.О. (2024) Semantic evolution of a lexeme in historical context: analysis of changes in its meaning and usage Multidisciplinary Science Journal (6). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2675-1240

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The research in the field of language history should be based on the latest achievements and developments in philology, history, anthropology, and pedagogy. The semantic evolution of a lexeme should be relevant for translators, artists, and literary critics. The study aims to establish the effectiveness of different approaches to defining the semantic evolution of a lexeme. Also, it seeks to determine the influence of changes in the meaning and usage of a lexeme on the analysis of changes in the meaning and use of a lexeme, taking into account the historical context. In addition, it is necessary to consider an assessment by students and teachers regarding the effectiveness of using knowledge of language history and the historical context of lexeme evolution within translation activities. The study employs a comprehensive approach to a methodology. The main methods used in the research are the descriptive method, as well as analysis and synthesis. They are used to present theoretical material. Furthermore, a comparative method was used to show the evolutionary processes of changes in the usage and meanings of lexemes. Separately, the author also employed survey and observation methods. The main hypothesis assumes that the practical application of innovative approaches and principles to the reconstruction of lexeme semantics evolution will demonstrate an increase in accuracy and clarity of translation, its interpretation, and revision. Therefore, it will facilitate and improve the quality of work with a text. The result of this study is a proof of the effectiveness of using different methods and approaches to establish the evolution of lexical semantics, as well as the specifics of meanings and usages, where knowledge of the historical context is essential. The collected data indicate the prospects for implementing projects in translation pedagogy, language history, and literature.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: lexical semantics; historical context; language change; word meaning evolution; historical linguistics
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Scopus
Divisions: Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра української мови
Depositing User: Тетяна Леонідівна Видайчук
Date Deposited: 04 Apr 2024 10:48
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2024 10:48

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