Peculiarities of the use of "outdoor activity" with persons of the second mature age in health fitness

Кожанова, Ольга Сергіївна and Літвінова, Ксенія Юр'ївна and Цикоза, Євгенія Валеріївна and Гудим, Ганна Петрівна and Пітенко, Сергій Леонідович and Гаврилова, Наталія Григорівна (2024) Peculiarities of the use of "outdoor activity" with persons of the second mature age in health fitness Науковий часопис Українського державного університету імені Михайла Драгоманова (5(178)). pp. 90-95. ISSN 2311-2220

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The article examines the peculiarities of the use of "outdoor activity" means with persons of the second mature age in improving fitness. Materials and methods: The research was conducted on the basis of the "Freestyle" fitness club in Kyiv. A total of 45 people of different sexes (41 men, 4 women), aged from 36 to 60 years (second mature age) took part in the research (survey). Results: We analyzed video recordings of "outdoor activity" training sessions on the Internet and evaluated their effectiveness for people of the second mature age according to the following criteria: physical component of programs, social component of programs, natural conditions for classes, variability of programs, effectiveness of programs, safety of programs, availability of programs, psychological advantages of programs, financial aspect of programs. The most effective measures and fitness programs with "outdoor activity" that can be considered the most useful for those who engage in independent or group training sessions in the health direction in the second mature age among women and men and the prevalence of using "outdoor activity" programs were also determined in order of decreasing significance. Conclusions: based on the results of a comparative analysis of various "outdoor activity" programs, it was established that outdoor fitness classes improve mood, reduce stress levels and increase emotional well-being. In today's wellness fitness outdoor activity programs for adults can have varying popularity based on various factors, such as accessibility, effectiveness, advertising, social support, physical limitations of participants, and others. With the help of a questionnaire, it was determined what was the main motivation for the respondents (n = 45) to use "outdoor activity" (improvement of physical fitness and endurance - 53.3%, weight loss - 24.5%, relaxation and stress reduction - 17.7%, feeling of nature and fresh air - 2.5%), which are the most relevant obstacles and problems when using "outdoor activity" (no obstacles - 20%, weather conditions - 37.7%, lack of time - 42.3%, lack of motivation - 2, 2%).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: modern fitness technologies; health and recreational motor activity of people in health fitness programs; measures of "outdoor activity" programs; persons of the second mature age
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет здоров’я, фізичного виховання і спорту > Кафедра спорту та фітнесу
Depositing User: Викладач Євгенія Валеріївна Цикоза
Date Deposited: 28 May 2024 07:25
Last Modified: 28 May 2024 07:25

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