Non-linear thinking strategies in post-non-classical higher art education: A synergistic concept

Ткач, М. and Олексюк, Ольга Миколаївна and Бобик, Л. and Мимрик, М. and Вей, Л. (2024) Non-linear thinking strategies in post-non-classical higher art education: A synergistic concept Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University, 55. pp. 1994-2005.

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Relevance. The relevance of the subject is conditioned upon the concept of “non-linearity” as a conceptual idea of the philosophy of education, which implies a new way of thinking in the context of the modern transitive, non-linear transformation of Ukrainian society. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to understand the significance of non-linear thinking strategies in the modern educational context and to make a valuable contribution to the development of science and art. Methodology. To achieve the purposes and implement the conceptual ideas, several research and search methods were chosen: conceptual and terminological analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, generalisation of scientific perspectives, and extrapolation of theoretical and methodological provisions. The research methods in the research are based on the concepts of nonlinear dynamics and synergetics as interdisciplinary scientific knowledge. Results. The main results of the research are the identification of opportunities for implementing nonlinear thinking strategies in the context of higher art education. The necessity of expanding the forms and methods of art education and their connection with modern production and spheres of public life was substantiated. The research demonstrates that the mechanism for implementing these strategies in the content of higher art education is: the foundation of knowledge, overcoming its dispersion and fragmentation, the introduction of interdisciplinary scientific integration of knowledge, the diversification of forms and methods of art education and their relationship with production, and the connection with the main spheres of public life (dual forms of education, the production of new knowledge through various educational methods of a projective and research nature). Conclusions. The practical significance of the research is that the introduction of non-linear strategies in higher art education contributes to the deep development of art students, helps them adapt to constant changes in the modern world, and promotes the establishment of creative and innovative solutions in the artistic field.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: interdisciplinarity; self-organisation; creativity and innovation; art professionals; “emergence”
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Scopus
Divisions: Факультет музичного мистецтва і хореографії > Кафедра музикознавства та музичної освіти
Depositing User: Доктор Ольга Миколаївна Олексюк
Date Deposited: 18 Jun 2024 08:35
Last Modified: 02 Aug 2024 11:45

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