Historical basis of social integration in Europe as a trigger of transformational movements in the international economy

Шлапак, Алла Василівна (2024) Historical basis of social integration in Europe as a trigger of transformational movements in the international economy Ефективна економіка (8). ISSN 2307-2105

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The purpose of the article is to study the evolution of the formation of the social policy of the EU, based on the analysis of the institutional foundations of the European social model, which will allow the analysis of the historical prerequisites of social globalization in Europe as a component of the transformational processes that exert pressure on the international economy. The basis of social integration is the consolidation of social subjects around norms, values, national goals and values. Adherents of integral sociology believe that society should be studied in terms of objective-subjective relationships, that understanding the mechanisms of the integrity of society is possible only by taking into account the factors that influence the unification of people and social groups. The most important factor of social integration is socialization, which is influenced by economic and political integration. The international economy is a socio-economic and historical system characterized by: integrity (stable interaction of all constituent elements); multiplicity of its constituent elements; presence of a common goal (satisfaction of human needs); structure (presence of the most important proportions, both sectoral and territorial, production); dynamic equilibrium, the quantitative expression of which is economic efficiency; unevenness and asymmetry of development of both the system as a whole and its elements (territorial, temporal, sectoral), including unevenness of endowment with production factors. Accordingly, divergences of social development are an immanent characteristic of the development of the international economy. The social economy consists of a large set of entities that together form the pole of social utility between the public sector and business (capital). All social enterprises are an integral part of the social sphere of the economy, but most enterprises of the social economy are not part of the social group of enterprises. The concept of the solidarity economy became widespread at the end of the 20th century in connection with the expansion of the scope of activities of subjects of the third sector of the economy, involved in the production of goods of social purpose, which are important in the process of forming a decent standard of living and should be available to all sections of the population, regardless of income levels and their purchasing power. That is why the government is directly involved in the process of production and distribution of goods of these categories. Its participation is implemented either by buying and providing certain categories of goods to the population free of charge, or by subsidizing their producers, ensuring that prices are kept at the lowest level (equal to, below the market). Based on the consolidated principles of general welfare, the state must guarantee the provision of a number of goods and services, including medical and educational ones, at a high level. A similar level of social services sufficient to support a decent standard of living is currently guaranteed by most of the developed countries of the world. However, recently, new social needs have arisen, which are not sufficiently covered by either the state or traditional capitalist sectors of the economy, and which affect numerous population groups that are at risk of social isolation.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: international economy; historical context; social integration; European social model; EU; socialization; social policy; institutional conditions; globalization; economic development; social development; socio-economic system; transformation
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет економіки та управління > Кафедра міжнародної економіки
Depositing User: Доцент Алла Василівна Шлапак
Date Deposited: 27 Aug 2024 10:06
Last Modified: 27 Aug 2024 10:06
URI: https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/49596

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