Parameters of word-formation of agents of a fiction work (based on the novels of V. Shklyar, Max Kidruk, Lyuko Dashvar)

Заєць, Валентина Григорівна (2024) Parameters of word-formation of agents of a fiction work (based on the novels of V. Shklyar, Max Kidruk, Lyuko Dashvar) Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету Серія "Філологія" (66). pp. 62-66. ISSN 2409-1154; 2663-5658

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Attempts have been made to analyze the productive word-forming types of agency names in the artistic style of the modern Ukrainian literary language. The attention has been focused on the productive word-forming types of performers of action in an artistic style. It has been proved that in Ukrainian studies the linguistic practice of modern artistic prose is considered as the embodiment of the writer's skills to convey the coexistence of language against the background of a conceptual picture of the world by lexical means. It has been substantiated that the word-forming system of the modern Ukrainian literary language has a close connection with other linguistic levels (phonology, morphology, syntax, and grammar) and makes it possible to trace the parameters of personal expression in functional styles, in particular artistic. It has been noted that the formation of word-forming norms in artistic prose occurs by separating from borrowed word-forming resources. A tendency to the revival of the word-formation norm, its compliance with the current language norms, the stability and constancy of literary patterns, and at the same time a certain instability, mobility, and sometimes changeability were noted in the artistic works of the modern era. In the studied texts, a large group of agencies that came under the influence of the tendency to autochthonization has been noticed. It has been noted that the genre features of the artistic text reflect the author's approach to the balanced use of Ukrainian word-formation options for nominating doers. It has been concluded that in the analyzed texts of artistic works there is instability in the use of affixes to denote persons. The activity in noun word formation of agents "by place of birth, residence" marked by masculine derivatives with the suffixes –anin, -yn, -аk (-yak) has been indicated, the variant of suffixes in naming persons of this type is indicated. A competition between the unproductive wordforming type of nouns with the suffix -yir and the productive type with the suffix –ik has been observed. The stylistic function of the word-formation type "from substantive nouns to denote people by occupation, profession" with the suffixes -ar (-yar), -ets (-ivets, -ovets), -nyk, -ik (-yk), – ir, -ist (-ist) has been recordered. It has been noted that the productivity of verbal nouns with the suffix -tel, noun suffix -un. It has been proved that the language norm of the artistic prose of the modern era demonstrates weak and strong word-formation types for labeling persons by belonging to a certain place of birth and residence. It has been noted that the productivity of one word-forming type is related to the frequency of use in uzus, with the ability to substitute and compete

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: modern Ukrainian language; functioning; vocabulary; trend; word-forming norm; word-forming type
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра української мови
Depositing User: викладач Валентина Григорівна Заєць
Date Deposited: 28 Aug 2024 10:32
Last Modified: 28 Aug 2024 10:32

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