Global electronic commerce and international export via the internet

Юрченко, Олександр Анатолійович and Сичова, О.Є. (2024) Global electronic commerce and international export via the internet Журнал «Наукові інновації та передові технології» (8(36)). pp. 1037-1046. ISSN 2786-5274

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The latest technologies have completely changed the way business is conducted, gradually moving activities from off-line to online. Every year, more and more sales transactions are carried out by means of e-commerce all over the world, expanding the geography to the entire globe. The importance of global e-commerce was especially highlighted during the Covid-19 pandemic, when almost all exports at that time were provided due to it. Until recently, e-commerce was mainly a tool for active import of goods from China, but during the period of post-Covid recovery, the situation has changed dramatically.Taking into account the above, the study defines the essence of global electronic commerce and singles out the factors that stimulated its active development.The benefits that global e-commerce brings to business are systematized. The Top-10 countries by the rate of development of e-commerce were analyzed, as well as the list of countries in which this industry is developing at the fastest pace was studied. The distribution of global e-commerce between different platforms is determined. The advantages that a business receives from exporting through electronic commerce, as well as the obstacles that stand in the way of successful online activity, are grouped. Preliminary forecasts regarding the development of the industry in the near future were studied. Considered how e-export trends will change in the coming years under the influence of modern technologies.The conclusion emphasizes that only online activity will allow a business to be resistant to the impact of the destructive factors of the external environment to which it is constantly exposed. The main thing is to take into account the latest trends in one's activities and respond in time to potential threats, such as regulatory and legislative restrictions, fraud risks, etc.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: e-export; e-commerce platforms; corona virus infection pandemic; global platform; artificial intelligence; block chain technology
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет економіки та управління > Кафедра міжнародної економіки
Depositing User: доцент Олександр Анатолійович Юрченко
Date Deposited: 02 Sep 2024 03:35
Last Modified: 02 Sep 2024 03:35

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