Artificial Intelligence in Transdisciplinary Communication Paradigm for Digital Education

Makhachashvili, Rusudan and Semenist, Ivan (2024) Artificial Intelligence in Transdisciplinary Communication Paradigm for Digital Education Proceedings of the 18th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, IMSCI, 1. pp. 91-98. ISSN 2831-722X

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Transformative shifts in the knowledge economy of the XXI century, Industry 4.0 and Web 4.0 development and elaboration of the networked society, and emergency digitization of all social communicative spheres due to pandemic measures have imposed pressing revisions onto interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial job market demands of university-level education, curriculum design, and learning outcomes. As a product of modern civilization, digital reality has become an independent format of being. Accordingly, electronic media act not only as a means of transmitting information but also reveal their own world-creating, meaning-making, and, as a consequence, communicative potential. The global digital realm stands as an integral environment, demanding new cognition and perception ways via complex philosophic, cultural, social, and linguistic approaches, providing unlimited opportunities for human intellect, communicative development, and research. The seminal overview of meta-trends, changing the World, by Snyder identified universal connectivity as a transcendent premise of technological trends development. The following predictive Global Trends frameworks provide hindsight in the lens through which technological growth and advanced features are used in global development trendsetting. The sub-trend of the technological society development is manifested through the elaboration of an interdisciplinary paradigm of Digital Humanities – a diverse, open-for-augmentation, transdisciplinary range of areas of knowledge, applied activities, and education in Arts and Humanities centered on digital adaptation, production, processing, manipulation and dissemination of relevant thematic content: Digital history; Digital philology; Digital art; Digital education; Digital sociology; Digital music, etc. Transformative shifts in the knowledge economy of the XXI century, Industry 4.0 (AI-powered technologies and production) and corresponding stages of Web technology development (from Web 2.0 – social media interaction, to Web 3.0 – Internet of things, to Web 4.0 – machine learning-powered interaction, LLMs, to Web 5.0 – intelligent personal agents), development and elaboration of networked society and new media ecology, emergency digitization due to quarantine measures and the ongoing warfare have imposed pressing revisions onto interdisciplinary and cross-sectorial job market demands. In the context of the erupted military intervention in Ukraine and the ensuing information warfare in various digital ambients (social media, news coverage, digital communications), a specific value is allocated to the enhanced role of digital humanism as a tool of the internationally broadcast strife for freedom and sovereignty.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: artificial intelligence; digital communication; digital education; digital humanities; digital literacy; transdisciplinary communication
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Scopus
Divisions: Факультет романо-германської філології > Кафедра германської філології
Depositing User: Русудан Кирилевна Махачашвілі
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2024 07:55
Last Modified: 28 Oct 2024 07:55

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