Ukrainian Humor in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War: Cognitive and Stylistic Features

Kharchenko, Oleg (2024) Ukrainian Humor in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War: Cognitive and Stylistic Features The Palgrave Handbook of Humor Research (2). pp. 265-286.

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Abstract. The chapter analyzes the functioning of war-time Ukrainian humorous discourse in general and the cognitive mechanisms of humor, including reframing and incongruity mechanisms, as well as the switch of cognitive patterns in particular. The study aims to examine the set material from 20 war-time jokes and 4 humorous articles functioning during the Russian-Ukrainian war and to reveal main cognitive patterns and accompanying stylistic figures producing the comic effect. The study addresses some cognitive and pragmatic aspects of war-time Ukrainian humor, focusing on the role of cognitive patterns in selecting stylistic humor devices, while processing the incoming information and shaping the cognitive frameworks of humor perception and creation. The paper reveals the main cognitive patterns, including the ‘Availability Heuristic,’ the ‘Distinct contrast,’ the ‘Negativity Thinking,’ the ‘Superiority or Illusionary Superiority,’ the ‘Easel,’ and their humorous actualization through such stylistic figures as paraprosdokian, irony, bathos, double entendre, pun, metaphor and pastiche in its narrow meaning. The researched Ukrainian jokes are interwoven with the situational context of the dramatic events within the temporality of the speedy streaming news of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The war-time news presentation in the form of Ukrainian humorous discourse is carried out in the literature journalism style, looking like anecdotes based on short funny stories, characterized with the war facts providing, story-telling technique, emotional appeal, dramatic tension, points of social significance, linear chronology. The main topics: war realities, bravery and smartness of Ukrainians. The paper explores the main pragmatic functions of war-time Ukrainian humorous discourse and makes additional remarks about a number of affirmations from some humor theories.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: war-time humor; Ukrainian humorous discourse; Negativity thinking pattern; Availibility Heuristic pattern; cognitive mechanisms of humor; stylistic devices of humor.
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Scopus
Divisions: Факультет журналістики > Кафедра медіапродюсування та видавничої справи
Depositing User: docent Oleg Kharchenko
Date Deposited: 29 Oct 2024 08:57
Last Modified: 29 Oct 2024 08:57

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