Totalitarian sectarianism and the search of freedom in documentary and fiction by H. Murakami

Москальов, Дмитро Петрович and Семеніст, Іван Васильович and Комісаров, Костянтин Юрійович (2024) Totalitarian sectarianism and the search of freedom in documentary and fiction by H. Murakami Закарпатські філологічні студії, 2 (33). pp. 193-198. ISSN 2663-4880; 2663-4899

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The article attempts to analyze the works of H. Murakami, which are directly devoted to sectarian activities in Japan. The position of the author in the documentary works «Undeground» and «The Place that was promised» contradicts the generally accepted position both in relation to the terrorist attack in Tokyo in 1995 and to the activities of the «Aum Shinrikyo» sect in general. H. Murakami severely criticizes the primitive structure of mass media, where the classic opposition of (faceless) healthy people against scoundrels with a torn mask was used. He also sets one of his tasks, the blurring of the border between «them» and «us», the destruction of labels about the good or bad side of the event, because as the analysis of the dialogues with the adepts showed, both sides suffered as a result. H. Murakami, maintaining impartiality, tries to explain that «they» and «us» are part of the same social structure. He points out that the roots of any «internal» tragedy should be sought first of all in the society in which this tragedy occurred. At the same time, sectarianism remains for H. Murakami in the realm of unfreedom, where the loss of one’s own «I» occurs. Based on the real facts of the activities of sects in Japan, in the trilogy «1Q84» Haruki Murakami does not focus on the history, ideology or actions of the fictional sect, but makes it the background, focusing not on sectarianism or the cult of the personality of the leader, but on the opposition to the principle of non-freedom and the death of the principle freedom and life. Sectarians are used as passive carriers of someone else’s incomprehensible fantastic will, which is contrasted with an attempt not to let in something alien and the heroes’ efforts to jump out of a distorted reality. Artistic creativity appears as the main mechanism of blocking someone else, namely, the creation of a novel that reveals and personifies the freedom of the individual. Just like creativity, H. Murakami assigns a key role to love, which, in fact, like creativity, is able to overcome the impossible and lead to victory over total chaos and submission to someone else’s will.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: Фахове видання (категорія Б)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Murakami; Underground; 1Q84; Aum; freedom; creativity
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет східних мов > Кафедра східної культури і літератури
Depositing User: декан Іван Васильович Семеніст
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2024 11:56
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2024 11:56

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