The horrors of lovecraft: disgust and repulsion

Isakov, Andrii and Tsapro, Galyna (2024) The horrors of lovecraft: disgust and repulsion Закарпатські філологічні студії, 1 (34). pp. 85-90. ISSN 2663-4899

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The article explores the themes of disgust and repulsion in H.P. Lovecraft’s horror fiction, focusing on «The Dunwich Horror», «The Colour Out of Space», and «The Shadow Over Innsmouth». It is based on Mary Douglas’ theories from «Purity and Danger» and John Nevins’s insights from «Horror Fiction in the 20th Century: Exploring Literature’s Most Chilling Genre» to analyze how Lovecraft builds an atmosphere of dread and unease through detailed descriptions of decay, grotesque entities, and psychological corruption. The study examines the multifaceted role of disgust in Lovecraft’s narratives, demonstrating its effectiveness in enhancing the emotional and psychological resonance of his stories. The analysis reveals that Lovecraft’s use of disgust serves to create a complex emotional landscape, engaging the senses and evoking visceral reactions. The article delves into physical repulsion through vivid depictions of monstrous entities, psychological revulsion through morally corrupt and deranged characters, and environmental disgust through decaying settings. These elements collectively contribute to a pervasive atmosphere of horror that immerses and maintains discomfort throughout the narrative. By applying Douglas’s concept of impurity and Nevins’s exploration of horror’s psychological aspects, this study emphasizes how Lovecraft’s fiction disrupts traditional ideas of cleanliness, order, and sanity. Disgust and repulsion are crucial elements in Lovecraft’s narratives, enriching his horror fiction with significant depth and complexity. His works provoke a visceral response, compelling readers to confron

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Horror style; Howard Phillips Lovecraft; Purity and Danger Theory; The Dunwich Horror; The Colour Out of Space; The Shadow Over Innsmouth
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет романо-германської філології > Кафедра англійської мови та комунікації
Depositing User: доцент Галина Юріївна Цапро
Date Deposited: 08 Nov 2024 08:35
Last Modified: 08 Nov 2024 08:35

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