Approaches to the Development of Personalised Virtual Learning Environments

Кушевська, Наталя Миколаївна and Дзевитська, Л. and Ємець, Т. (2024) Approaches to the Development of Personalised Virtual Learning Environments In: World conference on future innovations and sustainable solutions, 01.09.2024 - 01.11.2024, Poland, Lodz.

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The research is aimed at developing and evaluating innovative approaches to creating personalised virtual learning environments that adapt to the individual needs of students. Particular attention is focused on the use of artificial intelligence technologies to improve the learning process and increase the level of engagement of students. The main purpose of the study is to develop and analyse methods that can significantly improve the effectiveness of learning through interactivity and visualisation of educational material. The methods of introducing artificial intelligence, which can provide an individual approach to each student, are considered. The study was conducted by analysing the literature of the last five years. The results show that personalised virtual environments can increase the level of engagement and motivation of students and significantly improve their learning.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Additional Information: ISBN: 978-1-910129-36-4
Uncontrolled Keywords: individualised learning; digital technologies; adaptive algorithms; interactive platforms;educational environments
Subjects: Наукові конференції > Міжнародні
Divisions: Факультет романо-германської філології > Кафедра лінгвістики та перекладу
Depositing User: ствикладач Наталя Миколаївна Кушевська
Date Deposited: 13 Nov 2024 07:38
Last Modified: 13 Nov 2024 07:38

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