The text-centered and the linguistic and cultural aspects in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language (on the example of studying the figure of Mykola Leontovych)

Вінтонів, Михайло Олексійович and Вінтонів, Тетяна Миколаївна (2024) The text-centered and the linguistic and cultural aspects in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language (on the example of studying the figure of Mykola Leontovych) Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка (54). pp. 21-31. ISSN 2410-0897

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The article analyzes the main types of linguodidactic processing of linguocultural material in the process of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. The methods of organizing learning activities are described, in particular, the peculiarities of using the text-centered approach, especially the text as a communicative integrity, which provides wide opportunities in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis into the practical aspects of implementing linguistic and text-centered approaches to teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language using multimedia technologies in the study of the topic "Prominent Ukrainians" on the example of M. Leontovych. Foreign students' knowledge of the norms and values, traditions and customs inherent in the culture of the Ukrainian people has a positive impact on the formation of personal qualities of behavior, aesthetic culture, culture of oral and written speech, which are necessary for productive communication in an intercultural environment. These approaches allow foreign students to adapt more quickly to the new linguistic and cultural environment. Thus, for the successful learning of a foreign language, a successful selection of textual material is of great importance, so this aspect remains the focus of linguistic didactics today. The importance of working with the text is emphasized in many linguodidactic works, since the text, in addition to developing competence in the Ukrainian language, promotes integration on a thematic basis and the establishment of interdisciplinary connections. It is the work with different types of texts that enriches international students' information and helps them adapt to different life situations. A text is not only an object of understanding and study, but also a source of information. Work with textual material in the classroom means not only reading or listening to certain information, but also creating so-called "free" texts. Such tasks are quite effective in language teaching practice because they help to systematize acquired material and help to evaluate it personally. Today, the search for and development of effective methods of working with texts remains relevant. Textbooks and manuals with interactive tasks, where the texts themselves reveal the history, traditions, and figures of Ukrainians known around the world, are of particular interest, and this material is what attracts foreigners to learn Ukrainian. The use of linguistic and country studies material on the Ukrainian as a foreign language classroom contributes to the rapid acquisition of the language, helps to understand important information about the history of Ukraine, reveal outstanding historical figures, our traditions, motivates to study the mentality and character of Ukrainians and, of course, will accelerate the adaptation of foreigners to the cultural environment of our country, as well as develop skills in all types of speech activities. This type of text includes the material about M. Leontovych, which has not yet been properly evaluated in Ukrainian linguistic culture and linguodidactics. When working with a text within the framework of the linguistic and text-centered approaches, it is very important to choose the right system of exercises and tasks for all types of learning activities (reading, listening, speaking, writing), taking into account the level of students' knowledge. In order to develop intercultural competence and make cross-cultural comparisons, watching movies representing the culture of the country whose language is being studied plays an important role in developing speaking skills and the ability which is necessary to participate in a discussion. Undoubtedly, it is always necessary to take into account the level of language proficiency of the group as well as the interests and motives of the students, which is a kind of methodological foundation for the selection of any teaching material.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: linguistic approach; text; text-centeredness; educational text; reproductive orientation; Ukrainian as a foreign language
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра української мови
Depositing User: професор Михайло Вінтонів
Date Deposited: 26 Nov 2024 11:44
Last Modified: 26 Nov 2024 11:44

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