Implementation of the approach of differentiated service provision for representatives of key population in Ukraine

Шваб, І. and Лютий, Вадим Петрович (2024) Implementation of the approach of differentiated service provision for representatives of key population in Ukraine Соціальна робота: реалії та перспективи : зб. наук. пр. Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф., присвяч. 110-річчю Полт. нац. пед. ун-та імені В. Г. Короленка, м. Полтава, 9–10 трав. 2024 р. / за заг. ред. Н. О. Сайко, В. І. Березан. pp. 84-88.

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Given the rapid pace of HIV spread in Ukraine and the high probability of worsening of the epidemiological situation in the context of the war, dynamic changes in the social situation as a result of the war, widespread negative stereotypes about PLHIV and key populations in Ukrainian society, the implementation of the differentiated service delivery approach should ensure the best results of HIV prevention. The differentiated service delivery (DSD) approach is based on a client-centered approach and involves adapting services and the way they are delivered to the needs of the individual recipient and the context of service delivery. In Ukraine, there is considerable experience in implementing prevention projects based on different methodological approaches to HIV prevention and involving the integrated use of different prevention models among key populations, as well as NGOs with experience in implementing prevention projects and providing services to key populations and the relevant human resources. This creates the right conditions for the application of the VCT approach. On the other hand, the lack of recognition in Ukraine of prevention services for key populations as comprehensive specialized social services and the absence of appropriate standards that would allow the implementation of different VCT models limits the opportunities for implementing the approach and its support by the state. A scientific study of the experience of applying the EAP approach and its individual models will prove the effectiveness of such practices and will contribute to their institutionalization in Ukraine.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: HIV; key populations; HIV prevention; index testing; differentiated service delivery approach
Subjects: Наукові конференції > Всеукраїнські
Divisions: Факультет психології, соціальної роботи та спеціальної освіти > Кафедра соціальної педагогіки та соціальної роботи
Depositing User: Вадим Петрович Лютий
Date Deposited: 27 Nov 2024 10:46
Last Modified: 27 Nov 2024 10:46

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