Content and prerequisites for the activities of parents of children with special educational needs in an interdisciplinary support team

Скрипник, Тетяна Вікторівна and Мартинчук, Олена Валеріївна and Таран, Оксана Петрівна (2024) Content and prerequisites for the activities of parents of children with special educational needs in an interdisciplinary support team Педагогічні інновації: ідеї, реалії, перспективи (1 (32)). pp. 84-90. ISSN 2413-4139

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Ukrainian legal and regulatory documents on inclusive education emphasize the need for teachers and parents of persons with special educational needs (SEN) to cooperate on a partnership basis. At the same time, when specifying the issue of involving parents of these persons in the process of support, the role of parents is levelled, reduced to formal moments, for example, to provide data on the child and sign the individual development program developed by the support team Our questionnaire survey of parents showed a fairly high level of their awareness of the mechanisms of effective educational process in an inclusive educational environment, their desire to acquire competence regarding inclusive technologies for practical support of inclusive education, the readiness of most of them to become active participants in the educational process, performing a variety of functions for the sake of achieving certain goals of learning and development of a child with SEN. The content of these functions includes joint planning of goals and objectives; discussion of the results obtained, recording the dynamics of the child's development; sharing knowledge and experience with teachers, creating an educational environment, including the purchase of necessary facilities or equipment for the child; ensuring internal communication among the members of the support team, etc. We have defined the content of their activities, covering two areas – 1) influence on the administration of the educational institution and participants of the support team and 2) own contribution at each stage of psychological and pedagogical support. An important prerequisite for the realization of parental activity is the personal qualities of parents (including the ability to work in a team), as well as the level of their competence on issues of education and child development.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: parental involvement; special educational needs; partnerships; support team; inclusive educational environment.
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет психології, соціальної роботи та спеціальної освіти > Кафедра спеціальної та інклюзивної освіти
Depositing User: Завідувач Олена Валеріївна Мартинчук
Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2024 13:55
Last Modified: 12 Dec 2024 13:55

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