Globalization and Investments: New Approaches to Public Administration in Ukraine

Сергієнко, Наталія Артурівна and Гапонов, О.О. (2024) Globalization and Investments: New Approaches to Public Administration in Ukraine Журнал східноєвропейського права (126). pp. 53-59. ISSN 2409-6415

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The modern world is in a state of continuous transformation due to the intensification of globalization processes. These changes have a significant impact on the economies of countries, prompting a reevaluation of approaches to managing investment flows. For Ukraine, this process is particularly relevant, as attracting both foreign and domestic investments is a key factor in stabilizing the economy and ensuring its further growth. With the increasing influence of global markets on national economies, new challenges arise for public administration. Traditional methods of attracting investment require adaptation to new realities. This includes not only the modernization of legislation but also the improvement of administrative processes, particularly the simplification of procedures for investors and the creation of a favorable environment for business operations. The implementation of such changes could become a decisive step in enhancing Ukraine's investment attractiveness. In addition to challenges, globalization offers new opportunities for Ukraine. Strengthening economic ties with developed countries, as well as the growing role of international institutions, contributes to the increase of investment flows. At the same time, state policy should focus on actively promoting the integration of the national economy into global markets while ensuring the stability and predictability of the economic environment. One of the key tasks of public administration in the context of globalization is to ensure transparency and efficiency in investment policy. This involves reforming the institutions responsible for regulating investment processes and enhancing their interaction with the private sector. Successful integration of Ukraine into the global economy will require the government to adopt new approaches to administering investment projects, considering global trends and standards. This topic is relevant as it requires a thorough analysis and the development of innovative solutions in the field of public administration. This will allow effective responses to global challenges and maximize opportunities for Ukraine’s economic development through the active attraction of investments.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: globalization; investments; public administration; Ukraine; economy; state management; investment flows; international markets; reforms; private sector; integration; development; economic policy; business; institutions
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет права та міжнародних відносин > Кафедра публічного права
Depositing User: Наталія Артурівна Сергієнко
Date Deposited: 20 Dec 2024 09:45
Last Modified: 20 Dec 2024 09:45

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