Legal Linguistics: teaching students complex for research and educational institution for training management personnel the police Academy of Management Ministry of Interior

Доценко, Олена Леонідівна (2008) Legal Linguistics: teaching students complex for research and educational institution for training management personnel the police Academy of Management Ministry of Interior [Teaching Resource]

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"Legal Linguistics" allows you to explore the features of the interaction of language and law, required by the police in his daily activities: features qualification of crimes and offenses; speech-related activities; respect for linguistic rights of individuals, proper use of language in legislative and law enforcement activities and others.

Item Type: Teaching Resource
Uncontrolled Keywords: Legal Linguistics; language policy; sytutsiya language; language and speech offenses.
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Навчально-методичні матеріали > Навчально-методичні посібники
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Кафедра української мови
Depositing User: доцент Олена Леонідівна Доценко
Date Deposited: 27 Feb 2015 18:24
Last Modified: 27 Feb 2015 18:24

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