Pedagogical conditions for upbringing tolerance in senior school pupils

Пономарьова, Ольга Юріївна (2018) Pedagogical conditions for upbringing tolerance in senior school pupils Наукові записки Бердянського державного педагогічного університету. Серія : Педагогічні науки : зб. наук. пр (1). pp. 272-277. ISSN 2412-9208

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Globalization has blurred borders throughout the world. More people from different nations, cultures, religions and lifestyles are working together and living in the same neighbourhoods than ever before. Tolerance of each others’ differences is a very important key to keeping peace among co-workers and neighbours. Today, more than ever, youth interact with people of differing ethnicities, religions, and cultures. The article deals with the pedagogical conditions for upbringing tolerance in senior school pupils. The essence of the concept «condition» is revealed. Different approaches by scientists on the pedagogical conditions for upbringing tolerance in senior school pupils are determined. A wide range of pedagogical conditions for upbringing tolerance and various components of tolerance are shown. Given various forms of student’s self-management, which develop communication and cooperation skills for young personality. Tolerance refers to an attitude of openness and respect for the differences that exist among people. Although originally used to refer to ethnic and religious differences, the concepts of diversity and tolerance can also be applied to gender, people with physical and intellectual disabilities, and other differences, Education for tolerance should aim at countering influences that lead to fear and exclusion of others, and should help young people develop capacities for independent judgement, critical thinking and ethical reasoning. The youth to youth events were relevant and led to conversation on tolerance. In order for youth to youth dialogue to be more sustainable, a more episodic approach needs to be included in the theory of change. The importance of tolerance in society cannot be emphasized enough in a world where there is one place or another in a state of war. Tolerance’s importance is shown repeatedly in the news where historically taboo ways of life and belief systems are pushing the justice system and governments to recognize their right to exist publicly. The importance of tolerance in society is the key to a better world and the only way to achieve true tolerance is through education and open-mindedness. The author finally sums it up by saying that the main pedagogical conditions are defined: 1) change the attitudes and stereotypes of young people through a series of trainings, meetings and joint events to raise awareness of students about ethnic and religious minorities and about how they could effectively overcome cultural barriers; 2) develop and value the tolerance to diversity that youth already has; 3) help school authorities to better deal the anti-social behaviour of youths.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: pedagogical conditions; upbringing; tolerance; senior school pupils
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Кафедра теорії та історії педагогіки
Depositing User: Людмила Леонідівна Хоружа
Date Deposited: 09 Oct 2018 08:15
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2018 08:15

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