Боса, Віта Петрівна (2017) Авторська технологія формування мовленнєвої компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземних мов у процесі вивчення фахових дисциплін Вісник КНЛУ У. Серія Педагогіка та психологія, 1 (27). с. 124-132. ISSN 2412-9283
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t Introduction the article presents the results of the technology of speech competence of the future teachers of foreign languages in the study of professional disciplines as algorithm of the educational process, which includes objectives, content and methods to achieve planned results. Purpose. Two types of technologies for the formation of speech competence were proposed: 1) cognitive-oriented, built on the model “from speech to speech”, reflect the rational-logical way of mastering the language and include grammatical, analytical, comparative methods; 2) communicative-oriented, based on the “speech to speech” model, reflect the situational way of mastering the language through the natural (or close to natural) situation of communication. Accordingly, the author's technology of speech competence of future foreign language teachers in the study of professional disciplines are communication-oriented, purposeful, systematic teaching on reconciliation purposes, forms, content, methods and learning outcomes. Methods. Monitoring of individual shortcomings in oral and written speech and their elimination;. Stimulating the interest of young people in improving their own speech; Introduction of the system of educational and industrial practices of students of communicative tasks; Creation of a favorable communicative environment in the study of professional disciplines. Results Among these methods, we selected an expert assessment by specialists of the conditions for the formation of speech competence as a research method, which has a combination of advantages. In particular, expert assessment is used for the implementation of aeronautical research aimed at specifying hypotheses and tasks of scientific development; substantiation of factors and conditions of pedagogical influences; designing forecasts of the subject of research. Understanding the technology of forming speech competence has determined its structure: the target, organizational, content, methodological and productive components. The conducted analysis of literature shows that the design of the system of pedagogical conditions for the organization of educational processes is carried out in different ways – as the results of theoretical analysis of the problem of research and structure of the investigated process; as a generalization of own pedagogical experience in the field of research; as the conclusions of expert evaluation of the factors of the efficiency of the investigated process; as statistically processed estimates of factor analysis of the survey of subjects of education; as consequences of working out empirical experience of focus groups, round tables, seminars, etc. Conclusion. Thus, we have characterized the technology of forming the language competence of future teachers of a foreign language in the process of studying specialized disciplines. The basis of technology is the implementation in the process of studying professional disciplines pedagogical conditions. The substantiated target, organizational, content, methodological and productive components of technology form a closed system
Тип елементу : | Стаття |
Ключові слова: | технологія формування мовленнєвої компетентності; когнітивно орієнтовані види мовленнєвої компетентності; “від мови до мовлення”; “від мовлення до мови”. |
Типологія: | Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Index Copernicus Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН) |
Підрозділи: | Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Кафедра романської філології та порівняльно-типологічного мовознавства |
Користувач, що депонує: | ст.викл. Віта Петрівна Боса |
Дата внесення: | 01 Бер 2019 11:19 |
Останні зміни: | 01 Бер 2019 11:19 |
URI: | https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/26665 |
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