Model of entrepreneurial corporate education and prospects of professional development of managers in Ukraine

Боднарчук, Олег Григорович and Боднарчук, Оксана Іванівна and Ерсьозоглу, Рукіє and Канішевська, Любов Вікторівна and Петько, Людмила Василівна and Турчинова, ганна Володимирівна and Вишнівська, Наталія Володимирівна (2019) Model of entrepreneurial corporate education and prospects of professional development of managers in Ukraine Journal of Entrepreneurship Education (22 (2)). ISSN 1098-8394; 1528-2651;

[thumbnail of O_Bodnarchuk_O_Bodnarchuk_R_Ersozoglu_L_Kanishevska_L_Pet'ko_G_Turchynova_N_Vyshnivska_JEE_2_2018.pdf]

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The prognostic substantiation of the formation of professional development systems for managers was carried out; scientific and methodological recommendations were developed for improving the training, retraining and advanced training of managers in Ukraine; the main directions of the formation of a full-fledged entrepreneurial corporate education system, within the framework of which effective professional development of managers is possible, were defined; the possibility of further improving the training and development of managers to achieve real compliance of their training with the evolutionary requirements for the level of professional competence was substantiated; the necessity of appropriate regulatory support, which would contribute to the professional development of managers throughout their lives, was substantiated.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: model of entrepreneurial corporate education; top managers; adult education; staff development; budget
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Scopus
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра початкової освіти
Depositing User: Олена Іванівна Агоста
Date Deposited: 08 May 2019 06:45
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2019 13:23

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