The Object Model of the Subject Domain with the Use of Semantic Networks

Kovaliuk, Tetiana and Kobets, Nataliya (2019) The Object Model of the Subject Domain with the Use of Semantic Networks CEUR Workshop Proceedings Volume 2362, 2019 3rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Systems, COLINS 2019; Kharkiv; Ukraine; 18 April 2019 до 19 April 2019, 2362. pp. 228-242. ISSN 1613-0073

[thumbnail of The Object Model of the Subject Domain with the Use of Semantic Networks]
Text (The Object Model of the Subject Domain with the Use of Semantic Networks)
T_Kovaliuk_N_Kobets_CEUR-WS_vol-2362_paper21_FITU.pdf - Published Version

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Object-oriented development of software systems and their components is based on the application of object-oriented models, technologies and tools that support them. Real systems are characterized by complexity, which is caused by problems describing the properties and behavior of subject domain objects. A description of the subject domain is given in the natural language, which can be considered an input language at the stage of objectoriented analysis. Syntax-oriented processing of sentences in the input language. forms the output of the model software system. The conversion of the input language into a certain output is reduced to the construction of some translator, which, for any transformations of the sentences of the input language, uses the structure of this sentence. The ideas on which this concept is based include the ideas of formal grammars and semantic calculations for symbolic chains. These questions are the basis of the work under consideration.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: URL статті:
Uncontrolled Keywords: syntactic analysis; semantic analysis; semantic graph;classes;relations;object model
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Scopus
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Кафедра комп'ютерних наук і математики
Depositing User: Наталія Михайлівна Кобець
Date Deposited: 24 Jun 2019 08:07
Last Modified: 17 Oct 2019 12:49

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