Formation of linguistic competence in future foreign language teachers during their specialty courses

Боса, Віта Петрівна (2019) Formation of linguistic competence in future foreign language teachers during their specialty courses Одноосібна. Житомирський державний університет імені Івана Франка, Житомир.

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The postmodern educational paradigm characterizes a new type of being human in culture, which in the 21st century is recognized as the epicenter of civilizational development, reflected in all spheres of life. In the context of globalization processes in the field of education, in the situation well-considered European educational choice of Ukraine before the scientific community there are problems of development of a complex of competences and competences, justified the main European documents on education: Recommendation of the Council of Ministers European Union роOn Modern Languages‖ (1998), Declaration on Higher Education for XXI century (1998), the Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications for the Education System European Region (1997), Sorbonne Declaration on Structural Coordination higher education systems in Europe (1998), the Bologna Declaration (1999), Pan-European Guidelines on Language Education (2001), ―Guidelines UNESCO on Intercultural Education‖ (2006), Law of Ukraine ―On Higher Education‖ (2017), New Ukrainian School Concept (2018). Integration processes that encourage Ukrainian society to be radical restructuring of socio-cultural environment, determine the need for preparation fundamentally trained, competent, competitive professionals. Formation of Speech Competence of Future Foreign Language Teachers in Ukrainian pedagogical science and practice is of great social importance today integration of Ukraine into the world community, socio - cultural changes in Ukrainian society, with increasing openness of Ukrainian culture and opportunity communicative interpenetration and interaction of different cultures in the territory in our country and beyond. The socio-cultural space of higher education should ensure the development of language and the cultural potential of the individual, especially in the context of direct communication future professional activities in the field of communication and philology profession. The development of cultural processes in the education system is a subject of research many scientists: V. Andrushchenko, V. Kremen, N. Scotna (general cultural and philosophical) bases and world outlook bases of educational development); A. Asmolova, V. Kudryavtseva (cultural- historical aspects of educational development); G. Balla, P. Sauha (Harmonization Processes and Risks in education system); I. Beha, O. Bondarevskaya (Culture of Personally Oriented Relationships in education system); O. Vozniuk, I. Ziazun, S. Vitvitskaya, V. Grinyova (pedagogical culture); A. Zbrueva, V. Kudin (socio-cultural paradigm of modern education); P. Dasena, Y. Pliski, J. Purting, (professional personality culture); J. Berry, N. Kasatkina (strategies acculturation in education); M. Cohen, L. Latysheva (Sociolinguistic Basics of Translation activities); E. Passova, E. Shiyanova (cultural correspondence of specialist training) and others. Problems of linguistic and cultural competence of an individual are considered in scientific ones Intelligence: V. Andrievskaya, V. Biryukova (development of personality linguistic competence); V. Bibler, M. Bakhtin, F. Ebner, F. Rosenzweig, O. Rosenstock-Hussi (dialogue) communication culture); N. Borysko, V. Kalinina (Development of Foreign Language Speech competence); N. Botvina, S. Shandruk (mastering of native and foreign language stylistics); Y. Habermas (theory of communicative activity); O. Dubaseniuk, N. Sidorchuk, L. Khomich 5 (axiological principles of professional competence development of a specialist); K. Klimova, Y. Lotman, O. Petrov (development of linguosocio-cultural competence of specialists) and others domestic and foreign scientists. Professional training of future philologists in Ukraine and abroad the border became the subject of scientific consideration of O. Zinovatna, M. Ikonnikov, R. Yeager, V. Koval, O. Misechko, O. Semenog, N. Shumarova and others. At the same time, the analysis of the scientific work of many scientists suggests priority consideration of the formation of the professional competence of philologists, whereas The language competence of a future foreign language teacher remains to some extent without the attention of the researchers. Analysis of philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem the formation of the language competence of future foreign language teachers shows that various aspects of this problem are reflected in such scientific areas thoughts: philosophy and sociology of culture (G. Vasianovich, I. Ivanova, M. Kagan); theory and practice of multicultural education (L. Bernatskaya, O. Mikhailova, S. Sysoeva, A. Solodka, V. Topalova, S. Shandruk); theory and practice of professional training of philologists (O. Shevchenko, O. Kucheruk); sociology of intercultural communication (I. Vorobyov, T. Hrushevetskaya, A. Konoplyova, V. Popkov, O. Sadokhin, M. Chikalova); cross-cultural psychology (B. Bratus, V. Gritsenko, O. Kirichuk, N. Markova, V. Roshchupkin); personally oriented pedagogy (T. Humennikova, S. Podmazin, I. Yakimanskaya, S. Yatsenko); methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary and higher education institutions (O. Biryuk, O. Bigich, O. Volchenko, E. Goncharova, I. Zakiryanov, T. Kolodko, O. Kmit, I. Lebedik, T. Konovalenko, L. Morska, O. Podzigun, M. Tadeev, S. Khmelevskaya, Chernysh) and others. At the same time, despite the large-scale research, there are none these approaches do not systematically solve the problem of developing effective technologies formation of speech competence of future foreign language teachers in the institution higher education. The need to build the speech competence of future teachers foreign languages ​​in the process of studying professional disciplines are called by such leading contradictions: - between the requirements for the competence of future foreign teachers languages ​​at the stage of integration of Ukraine into the European educational space, and quality professional training of teachers in higher education in the process of professional studies disciplines; - between the awareness in pedagogical science of the importance of speech formation competences of future foreign language teachers and insufficient number of scientific ones developments in this field; - between the personal needs of future foreign language teachers for improvement their own speech competence and the limited capacity of the traditional system vocational training in a specific direction; - between the need to include a speech component in educational qualifications characteristics of specialists of pedagogical and philological profile and weak resource ensuring this process in the system of vocational training at the university

Item Type: Monograph (Одноосібна)
Uncontrolled Keywords: linguistic competence; competent approach, practical approach; sociolinguistic approach; professional disciplines; preparatory stage; ascertaining stage; formation stage; resulting stage; value-based motivational criteria; organizational and communicative criteria; social and cultural criteria;reflexive and effective criteria; specialty and professional criteria.
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Монографії > Видані в Україні
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет романо-германської філології > Кафедра романської філології та порівняльно-типологічного мовознавства
Depositing User: ст.викл. Віта Петрівна Боса
Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2019 14:30
Last Modified: 04 Dec 2019 14:30

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