Adaptation of the strategy of internet promotion of advertising services for management of an apartment building

Лойко, Валерія Вікторовна and Маляр, Станіслав Анатолійович and Лойко, Єлизавета Миколаївна (2021) Adaptation of the strategy of internet promotion of advertising services for management of an apartment building Economics, Finance and Management. Review (1(5)). pp. 67-74. ISSN 2674-5208

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The article considers methodical approaches to the adaptation of the strategy of Internet promotion of advertising services for apartment building management with the help of Internet marketing tools. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the choice of effective Internet marketing tools for advertising apartment building management services. The article considers the main tools of Internet marketing to promote advertising services for the management of an apartment building through social networks. Changes in the legal acts of Ukraine on preventing the monopolization of apartment building management services and on promoting the increase in the number of private companies in this area of activity are analyzed. It was found that the field of apartment building management services for private companies is quite new, citizens are poorly informed about the activities of these businesses, which necessitates significant investment in advertising. In order for advertising to have an effect, it is necessary to develop a clear strategy for promoting advertising and find effective tools for Internet marketing. It is noted that modern Internet marketing tools include the promotion of advertising through search engines of web browsers and social networks. The dynamics of the number of users of social networks in Ukraine is studied. It was revealed that as of January 1, 2020, there were 27.46 million Internet users in Ukraine. The number of social network users in Ukraine is as follows: Facebook has 13 million users, Instagram has 11 million users, LinkedIn has 2.9 million users. It is noted that the advertising of apartment building management services is for collective and individual consumers. When creating advertising, it is advisable to distinguish between the following hierarchical levels: houses that belong to the elite housing, houses that can be classified as "business", houses of "comfort" and "smart (economy)" class. It was found that the most effective social network for the promotion of apartment building management services for collective consumers is search query advertising, and for individual consumers - the social network Facebook. The essence of tools and methods is revealed and the expediency of promoting an advertising campaign for the provision of utilities on the social network Facebook is substantiated. A step-by-step plan for the formation and promotion of the advertising campaign of enterprises that provide apartment building management services has been drawn up. The following is proposed for collective and individual consumers of communal services allocated within the legislation: for collective consumers to configure advertisements of services through a search query, for individual consumers it is recommended to configure targeted advertising through the social network Facebook.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: НМБ: Index Copernicus, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index; Academic Recourse Index (ResearchBib) ; OpenAIRE;
Uncontrolled Keywords: apartment building; services; consumers; advertising; promotion; internet marketing tools; social network; Instagram
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Index Copernicus
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Кафедра фінансів та економіки
Depositing User: Валерія Вікторівна Лойко
Date Deposited: 22 Mar 2021 13:48
Last Modified: 22 Mar 2021 13:48

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