The image of Borys Grinchenko AND HIS CONTECSTS in Maryana Angelova’s play “Grinchenko’s syndrome”

Бондарева, Олена Євгенівна and Брацкі, Артур Себастіан and Бітківська, Галина Володимирівна (2023) The image of Borys Grinchenko AND HIS CONTECSTS in Maryana Angelova’s play “Grinchenko’s syndrome” Синопсис: текст, контекст, медіа (29 (1)). pp. 47-53. ISSN 2311-259X

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The article examines Maryana Angelova’s play “Grinchenko’s Syndrome”, which simulates the author’s artistic version of the dystopian transition of the Ukrainian language to the status of “dead”, when it is not used all the time, as well as the situation of its recall and “revival”. The guides of this “reincarnation” of the language are the unique 4-volume Dictionary and its compiler, Borys Grinchenko. It is not by chance that the author labels the genre of the work as “vocabulary drama”. The problem of radical revision of the catalog of personalities key to Ukrainianism today is directly related to the development of the decolonial Ukrainian identity, memory studies, revision of the Ukrainian cultural pantheon, which is difficult to imagine without the figure of Borys Grinchenko, who fits into this pantheon quite sporadically. The subject of the article is the analysis of artistic strategies of non-biographical writing involved in the creation of a biographical image in modern drama, the object of which is the text of Maryana Angelova’s play “The Grinchenko Syndrome”. The goal is primarily the presentation and interpretation of an interesting dramatic work read using modern research methodologies. This text, created in 2013, is interpreted from positions relevant for literary studies in 2023, against the background of the war for Ukrainian identity in the face of Russian aggression, namely: identity theory, modern Ukrainian memory studies, ecocritical theory of writing. The novelty of the study can be seen in the fact that the text of the play was analyzed for the first time, and ways of studying it were created for philological researchers and for modern theater practitioners. The stage space of the work is extraordinary, it is complicated by the arbitrary accumulation of costumes and audiovisual effects, polyscreening, interaction with the audience in the hall. Maryana Angelova appeals to the ancestral collective linguistic memory of many generations of Ukrainians, creating the polysemantic and polyvariate image of the Dictionary as its meaningful and verbalized territory. She offers many artistic anti-colonial manifestations, centered around repressed Ukrainian letters, forgotten meanings and dead words, forever destroyed by the censorship of dictionary pages, backward language, linguicide and xenoglossy coma. The 4-volume dictionary shows a more frequent presence in the play than its biographical compiler. Instead, the image of Borys Grinchenko himself, while retaining several biographical micro-plots, essentially loses his actual biographical character and acquires the mythological features of the “heavenly Grinchenko” – the “ancestor” of the modern Ukrainian linguistic personality.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: biographical drama; identity; language; Grinchenko’s dictionary; place of memory; anti-colonial aesthetic manifestations; decolonial project
Subjects: Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Erih Plus
Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у наукометричних базах > Index Copernicus
Це архівна тематика Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Статті у журналах > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра світової літератури
Це архівні підрозділи Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка > Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра української літератури, компаративістики і грінченкознавства
Depositing User: Олена Бондарева Бондарева
Date Deposited: 04 Apr 2023 08:33
Last Modified: 04 Apr 2023 08:33

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