Dominant features of The Shining by Stephen King and their rendering into Ukrainian

Альошина, Марина Дмитрівна (2024) Dominant features of The Shining by Stephen King and their rendering into Ukrainian Південний архів (XCVI). pp. 50-56. ISSN 2663-2691

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The problem of dominant features of King’s individual style, realizing the atmosphere of horror and terror in literary works have become the basis for numerous studies in the field of linguostylistics and translation. The purpose of the article is to study the dominant feature of Stephen King’s writing style and its reproduction into Ukrainian. The paper used scientific methods: the method of continuous sampling (to identify lexical elements), generalization and systematization (to systematize the samples and their further analysis) and comparative method. Stephen King uses different techniques, which make the speech of his characters individual, emotionally rich and expressive. The Shining is a narrative, in which many fears are expressed and consequently manipulated. Stephen King uses jargon, slang, tropes to make the speech of his characters close to everyday speech of people, differentiating them according to age, profession, social stratum and origin. In his novel, Stephen Кing describes in details what his characters feel. Using colloquial speech, incomplete sentences, he shows emotional and psychological atmosphere. Abrupt phrases, unsaid words provoke readers imagination. At the syntactic level, King used abrupt phrases, incomplete sentences and incorrect grammar constructions. The analysis showed that translator used adaptation, compensation and calque to reproduce psychological tension, description of the Shining. The translator used the strategy of domestication to render colloquial speech of King’s characters. The translator used direct equivalents, adaptation, compensation and concretization. Sometimes the translator softened and neutralized the tonality of expressions, but all the dominant features of Stephen King’s writing style have been preserved for the target reader. To sum up, the reproduction of dominant features of Stephen King’s writing style requires special approach from the translator. Among the dominant features of King’s style, we can point out: metaphors, epithets, comparisons, repetitions and colloquial speech. The translator’s choice of intervention has direct consequences on the target’s reception. The data collection process was based on the novel of Stephen King (Shining) and its translation into Ukrainian.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: colloquial speech; writing style; domestication; specific features; individual style; metaphor
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет романо-германської філології > Кафедра лінгвістики та перекладу
Depositing User: Марина Дмитрівна Альошина
Date Deposited: 08 Apr 2024 08:32
Last Modified: 08 Apr 2024 08:32

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