Gig economy as an environment for transformation of the international labor market

Панченко, В.Г. and Резнікова, Н.В. and Іващенко, Оксана Андріївна and Русак, Д.М. (2024) Gig economy as an environment for transformation of the international labor market Інвестиції: практика та досвід (4). pp. 12-18. ISSN 2306-6814

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The purpose of the article is to study the phenomenon of gig economy and collaborative economy as an environment of digital transformations of the international labor market.. Technological barriers, regulatory and political factors, social and economic factors (differences in wage rates and taxes), as well as spatial factors shape the new geography of labor markets. It is inevitable to revise the concepts of rigid and flexible labor markets, as well as active and passive policies on them, migration, employment, online work. Competition for digital jobs leads to a decrease in the cost of digital labor, reduces incomes, which affects the formation of new forms of inequality of a digital nature. Digital employment platforms compensate for the manifestations of demographic changes, in particular, the aging of the population in countries with leading economies, as well as limit the growth of wages in many segments of the service market, and modify the manifestations of the processes of international labor migration. Modern conditions for the development of relations in the labor market are aimed at developing programs for preserving and creating new jobs for the future, taking into account demographic characteristics of the workforce for the coming period, as well as the development and active implementation of digital labor platforms, which will contribute to the development of regional markets labor in terms of adjusting migration policy programs and measures to ensure a balance between labor supply and demand. Despite the difference in emphasis, scientists unanimously recognize the ability to regulate the supply and demand of labor with the help of information technology as a key characteristic of the collaborative economy. If the size of the platform economy grows and digital labor markets continue to be seen as mere intermediaries, then a large part of the workforce risks being deprived of social protection, and thus social development will be bought off by economic considerations. Digital competencies make an irrefutable contribution to the promotion of competitiveness based on the mastery of digital technologies and platforms and are an effective way to counter digital discrimination. Digital competencies have become the most important attribute not only of highly qualified specialists, but also of specialists who perform atomized tasks. The process of automation in the manufacturing sector and robotization in the service sector will inevitably lead to a reduction in the cost of human labor. The formation of digital labor markets, although it limits wage growth, is nevertheless unable to compete with the low cost of implementing software robots. In the era of digitalization development, the need to identify new sources of digital development of human capital becomes especially relevant. Digital labor platforms are changing the approach to pricing in the labor market, when the inability to enter into negotiations with a potential employer without an intermediary leads to the fact that labor prices are determined and assigned unilaterally. Due to the atomization of tasks inherent in digital labor markets, the concepts of "workplace" and "employment contract" are constantly being destroyed. Among the triggers for the development of platform employment, we include: global competition for talent; global competition for labor resources; servicing of the economy; structural transformations of the economy under the influence of digitalization; asymmetries in the supply of labor resources; transformation of labor as a factor of production; development of digital technologies and global networks; formation of new business models; strengthening of the international labor force movement; formation of new forms of interaction on the labor market; development of new forms of employment. Among the characteristic features of labor markets on digital platforms, we can include: (1) commodification of labor; (2) fragmentation of labor relations; (3) economization of social life; (4) calculation of human labor; (5) partial reciprocity.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: digitalization; transformation; digital development; social development; digital economy; digital infrastructure; gig economy; sharing economy; collaborative economy; platform economy; technology; digital platform; labor market; digital work; workforce; human capital; employment; digital inequality; service market; digital services; crowdsourcing
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет економіки та управління > Кафедра міжнародної економіки
Depositing User: Доцент Оксана Андріївна Іващенко
Date Deposited: 09 May 2024 07:36
Last Modified: 09 May 2024 07:36

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