Historical and retrospective analysis of formation future music teachers's professionsl skills

Мережко, Юлія Валеріївна (2024) Historical and retrospective analysis of formation future music teachers's professionsl skills Інноваційна педагогіка (68 (1)). pp. 175-178. ISSN 2663-6085; 2663-6093

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The article deals with historical and retrospective analysis of formation future music teachers’s professional skills in in higher educational institutions of artistic orientation. The author outlines the directions of scientific research on this issue, in which domestic and foreign researchers of the XX - XXI centuries worked. The author notes that the problem of forming the professional skills of future vocal teachers in the process of professional training in higher education institutions is not sufficiently researched in music pedagogical science and requires further study. The essence of the concepts of "skills", "professionalism", "professionalism of activity", "pedagogical skills", "pedagogical expediency of the teacher's activity", "vocal and performing training of future music teachers" was clarified in the scientific work. The essence of the concepts of "professional skills" and "professional skills of future vocal teachers" in the scientific and pedagogical literature is investigated, an attempt is made to make an own definition of these definitions. In the course of writing the article, the following theoretical research methods were used: historical and retrospective analysis, systematisation, and generalisation. The article concludes with conclusions. Mastery is a personality property acquired in the process of gaining experience in a speciality as the highest level of professional skills in a chosen field based on flexibility of thinking and creativity in practical activities. Professional skills are a manifestation of the acquired theoretical and methodological knowledge, practical skills and abilities that allow a vocal teacher to successfully self-realise in their professional activities. The professional skills of future vocal teachers include such special (professional, subject) competences as managerial, artistic and aesthetic, psychological and pedagogical readiness, art history, vocal and performance, vocal and stage, instrumental and pedagogical. The author highlights the prospects for further research in this area, which will relate to a more thorough study of foreign experience of studying this issue in the scientific and pedagogical literature.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: skills; professional skills; vocal teachers; higher school; music pedagogy
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет музичного мистецтва і хореографії > Кафедра академічного та естрадного вокалу
Depositing User: Юлія Валеріївна Мережко
Date Deposited: 09 May 2024 10:45
Last Modified: 17 Jul 2024 10:55
URI: https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/48916

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