Development strategy as a guarantee of a quality educational environment of the institution of general secondary education

Козир, Маргарита Валентинівна and Косачевич, О.С. and Терещенко, О.І. (2024) Development strategy as a guarantee of a quality educational environment of the institution of general secondary education "Педагогічна освіта: теорія і практика. Психологія. Педагогігка" (41(1)). pp. 52-58. ISSN 2412-2009

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The article talks about the importance of strategic planning of the general secondary education institution for the successful completion of all stages of the development of the educational institution and its effective institutional audit. The feasibility of using the application of SWOT analysis during the collective discussion of operational goals, considering the challenges and risks that cause both the progress and the decline of general secondary education, is investigated. The authors emphasize the need to introduce innovative technologies, as well as technologies of interactive learning at the level of elementary, basic (primary) and specialized schools. Attention is focused on the advantages of introducing formative assessment into the educational process of PPE, because it is precisely in today’s crisis conditions that students need an individual approach at all stages of acquiring the necessary competencies and “soft skills”. The peculiarities of the educational environment are characterized, in which partnership interaction between the school, parents and children is built, as a guarantee of providing and receiving quality educational services by all participants of the educational process. It was determined that the purpose of this article is to research and characterize the features of strategic planning as a guarantee of a high-quality educational environment of a general secondary education institution. The task is to determine the challenges and risks that cause the progress and decline of general secondary education, as well as factors for improving the quality of education in an educational institution.It was concluded that changes are an inevitable condition for everyone’s transformations in the conditions of war and at the same time they are a great challenge for all of us and a vital, fundamental need for the future of Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the uniqueness of each individual, because this is the key direction of change. The end result should be a quality educational environment that will increase the potential of each teacher, assistant, learner and each of their parents at various stages of partnership interaction to be flexible and responsive to changes and innovations in education.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: internal system of ensuring the quality of education; general secondary education; innovations; educational environment; development strategy; interactive learning technologies; formative assessment; quality of education
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра освітології та психолого-педагогічних наук
Depositing User: к.п.н. Маргарита Валентинівна Козир
Date Deposited: 04 Jul 2024 12:22
Last Modified: 12 Jul 2024 12:31

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