Historical basis of the excessive problem of inequality in the EU: the contradictions of social globalization as a manifestation of the crisis of the international economy

Шлапак, Алла Василівна (2024) Historical basis of the excessive problem of inequality in the EU: the contradictions of social globalization as a manifestation of the crisis of the international economy Інвестиції: практика та досвід (16). pp. 43-50. ISSN 2306-6814

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The purpose of the article is to study the historical features of the impact of the development of the international economy on the formation of social models of European countries with an emphasis on the characteristics of the forced transformation of modern welfare states in the conditions of worsening inequality and risks of global recession. The global economic crisis has influenced the introduction of several budget restrictions by most European countries, which has affected the quality of social support. In the Nordic countries, the most common method of tightening budget discipline is the introduction of an upper limit on the amount of budget expenditure, while in other European countries, restrictions on the growth of budget expenditure dominate. Adhering to austerity measures, as required by the European Union, it is impossible to stimulate economic growth. The decline of all sectors of the economy, the energy crisis, the disruption of supply chains, the revision of value chains, political instability and the growth of unemployed working-age population reduce the investment attractiveness of the European region. The population of the EU countries feels the manifestation of the cost of living crisis, the problem of food security is emerging, the purchasing power of the population is declining. The increase in the level of social security for the development of the global economy in its European refraction was accompanied by the emergence of a gap between the growth of productivity and wages, as well as the growth of socio-economic inequality. The increase in the level of social security for the development of the global economy in its European refraction was accompanied by the emergence of a gap between the growth of productivity and wages, as well as the growth of socio-economic inequality. within social expenditures, "autonomy" is growing, i.e. they are increasingly increasing not due to the deliberate actions of the state, but due to the increase in the number of people to whom social services are provided. This is due to the main challenges faced by the social security system, the main one of which is the aging of the population. More and more objective constraints on state interventionism are appearing, which include the general growth of the demographic burden. Surges in social expenditures are increasingly associated with global crises and the need to mitigate their social consequences. This confirms the direct interdependence between the state of affairs in the global economy and the quality of social development.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: historical context; international economy; international economic development; international economic relations; historical changes; socio-economic system; socialization; social integration; social development; European social model; EU; social policy; inequality; unemployment; transformation
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет економіки та управління > Кафедра міжнародної економіки
Depositing User: Доцент Алла Василівна Шлапак
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2024 10:14
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2024 10:14
URI: https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/49586

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