Project-based learning as a means of developing students' research skills

Михалюк, Алла Михайлівна and Михалюк, I.M. (2024) Project-based learning as a means of developing students' research skills Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка (55). pp. 154-162. ISSN 2410-0897

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To successfully implement the updated standard of general secondary education, it is necessary to develop the educational process on the basis of three defined approaches: personally oriented, activity-based and competence-based.The student-centered approach focuses the educational process primarily on the effective development of each student's personality, the uncovering of their abilities, and the construction of the student's intellectual educational trajectory based on the identification and consideration of their personal characteristics, preferences, and learning capabilities.The activity-based approach directs the educational process towards maintaining active, personally significant, and conscious educational activities for the student. The essence of this process lies not only in acquiring specific knowledge but also in developing oneself as a personality.According to the competency-based approach, the outcome of education should be the formation of corresponding competencies–both key and subject-specific.Purpose. Outline the features of project-based learning for the development of students' research skills. Identify and analyse the features of project-based learning for the development of students' research skills in biology and ecology.Methods. One of the pedagogical technologies that focuses not on the integration of factual knowledge but on its application and acquisition of new ones is the project method.Project-based learning is an effective tool for developing students' research skills, especially in the study of biology and ecology. This approach allows students to join active learning through practical activities. Develop skills in independent research, critical thinking, teamwork, and presentation of results.Results. The study of the application features of project-based learning in biology and ecology lessons was conducted at the Tyliavskyi General Secondary Education Institution of the Shumsk City Council. The chosen topic for the research was «Metabolism and Energy Transformation»from the 10th-grade textbook «Biology and Ecology»authored by V.I. Sobol. Prior to the experiment, a pre-test was administered to assess knowledge, using test tasks that covered the material studied. Each task was graded ona scale from 0 to 3 points based on its complexity, and the results from a brain ring were also taken into account.Based on the selected tasks, students from the experimental group defended their project works and participated in a brain ring (both groups), with diagnostics conducted according to the proposed tasks (experimental group). Students enjoyed preparing their projects, selecting topics and gathering materials independently. They also analyzed additional information sources and prepared presentations on their own. The obtained scores indicated positive results, with an average score of 10.7 points for the group. One student achieved the highest score of 12 points, while two others received 10 points each for their project defense.According to theresults of the final testing, it was found that a majority of students in the experimental group (66.7% of all participants) received fairly high scores. Only one student achieved a result that corresponded to the average level.In the control group, the testing results were somewhat lower than those in the experimental group. The average score for this group was 7.3, which corresponds to the average level. A positive aspect was that no student received a low score.Conclusion. The results of the conductedanalysis indicate that students in the experimental group demonstrated significantly better outcomes compared to those in the control group. Distribution of students by level showed that 66.7% of students in the experimental group achieved high levels of proficiency. These students exhibited strong familiarity with the material, providing correct answers independently, without additional explanations from the teacher.In contrast, the knowledge of students in the control group corresponded to average levels at 66.7%. While these students were active, they made frequent errors. Therefore, it is recommended that teachers focus on incorporating more research activities in biology lessons moving forward

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: рroject-based learning; research skills; education, critical thinking; educational technologies
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра освітології та психолого-педагогічних наук
Depositing User: к.п.н. Алла Михайлівна Михалюк
Date Deposited: 28 Oct 2024 10:59
Last Modified: 28 Oct 2024 10:59

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