The problem of professional development of teachers in the context of educational changes: historical and pedagogical context

Tsybulska, Svitlana (2024) The problem of professional development of teachers in the context of educational changes: historical and pedagogical context Вісник науки та освіти (10(28)). pp. 1291-1306. ISSN 2786-6165

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The article presents the results of a study on the scientific problem of professional development of teachers in the context of the genesis of concepts, leading ideas and educational practices that have developed in Ukraine in the period of history from 1991 to the present. Historical and pedagogical studies actualise the search for new approaches to this problem in the context of the formation and development of the education system in sovereign Ukraine. The scientific field has been expanded by knowledge about the impact of educational paradigms (personality-oriented, competence-based) on the improvement and transformation of postgraduate teacher education: from socially significant professional to personally significant priorities based on values: culture (education, intercultural interaction), humanities (self-knowledge and self-development). The problem of professional development of teachers is revealed against the background of paradigm shifts and the advanced nature of pedagogical thought in its various aspects. The essential concepts of this sphere of education and ways of realising the goals and objectives of professional development of teachers, the transition from the normative and knowledge-based model of education of the previous era to a personality-oriented one are highlighted. Based on the results of theoretical, normative, historical and pedagogical studies, the author reveals the lag between organisational and pedagogical conditions and the needs of society and teachers. It is a fact that the constant changes in public demands regarding the place and functions of general secondary education lead to transformations in the field of postgraduate education of teachers, which affects the revision of the purpose, organisational models, content and technological support to create favourable conditions for continuous professional development of teachers on the basis of variability, freedom of choice, personal and professional self-development. The key vectors of teachers' professional development in line with the new Professional Standard «Teacher of a General Secondary Education Institution» (2024) are described. The historical and pedagogical context of the results of the scientific research highlighted in the article gives grounds for identifying promising pedagogical ideas and educational practices that can be useful for building effective models of professional development of teachers, ensuring their professional and personal development as a professional teacher. The value priorities of social partnership, professional and cultural development of teachers in the course of various forms of postgraduate teacher education are confirmed.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: historical and pedagogical context; historical and cultural phenomenon; chronological boundaries; historical and pedagogical studies; educational paradigms; professional development; professional standard; postgraduate pedagogical education; pedagogical workers, professional competence
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Інститут післядипломної освіти > Кафедра дошкільної та початкової освіти
Depositing User: Світлана Михайлівна Цибульська
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2024 08:52
Last Modified: 15 Nov 2024 08:52

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