Anglicisms in the advertising texts of Kyiv

Заєць, Валентина Григорівна and Мириївська, Юлія Миколаївна and Кірюшина, Катерина Костянтинівна (2024) Anglicisms in the advertising texts of Kyiv Сучасні дослідження з іноземної філології (2(26)). pp. 42-50. ISSN 2617-3921

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The article attempts to analyze anglicisms in the advertising language of the city of Kyiv as a linguistic phenomenon in the modern Ukrainian lexicon. The reasons for the introduction of anglicisms into the language of advertising in the capital are indicated, among which there are: internationalization (globalization) of society, openness to cooperation with foreign manufacturers of products, interlingual communication, the desire to master the language and culture of European countries. Examples confirm that the language of the capital's advertising fills the vocabulary of the capital's residents and guests, provides intellectual life, stability and dynamics of language assessments. Empirical material of the studied period gives reasons to assert the growth of lexemes in the language of advertising that appeared under the influence of the tendency to internationalization (globalization). It has been noted that the active use of anglicisms in advertising texts is the result of the implementation of language preferences, their transfer into the lexical circulation of the recipient language. It has been proven that in the language of advertising, "barbarisms", which include English letters, have a high frequency. It has been emphasized that bases and affixes borrowed from the English language have high dynamics in advertising texts. Attention has been focused on the high frequency of the method of word formation,which is not haracteristic of the grammar of the Ukrainian language, as the gluing of bases without connecting vowels. It has been noted that advertising texts, within the limits of language resource saving, have a frequency of using juxtapositions, composites, which contain borrowings from the English language. The growth in advertising texts of abbreviations derived from abbreviations borrowed from the English language has been shown. It has been indicated that, the following trend towards originality and balanced text had a negative impact on the grammar of the Ukrainian language. Attention has been focused on the gradual Ukrainization of the English vocabulary by means of word formation of the recipient language. It has been indicated that lexemes derived from the English language in advertising texts do not need codification and will remain in the colloquial vocabulary.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Borrowing from the English language; juxtaposits; composites; autochthonization; abro-adjectives; gluing bases; reduplication
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра української мови
Depositing User: викладач Валентина Григорівна Заєць
Date Deposited: 18 Nov 2024 10:33
Last Modified: 18 Nov 2024 10:33

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