Organizational leadership in times of crisis: strategic approaches to change management

Михацька, Алла Валер'янівна (2024) Organizational leadership in times of crisis: strategic approaches to change management Успіхи і досягнення у науці (8(8)). pp. 458-467. ISSN 3041-1254

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In today’s context of global economic, social and political crises, leadership in organizational management plays a critical role in ensuring the stabilityand efficiency of enterprises and organizations. Crises can arise from a variety of factors, such as economic instability, political uncertainty, natural disasters, or technological change. Regardless of their nature, the successful overcoming of crisis situations largely depends on the ability of an organization to quickly adapt to new conditions and, accordingly, on the strategic vision and competence of its leaders.The article explores the role of leadership in managing change in a crisis, and offers strategic approaches that help organizations successfully adapt to external and internal changes caused by crisis circumstances. The work highlights the key aspects of organizational leadership and its impact on effective change management, including such factors as flexibility, decision-making speed, communication effectiveness, and ability to innovate. The author examines the key challenges faced by organizations in times of crisis and the role of the leader in ensuring successful adaptation to new realities. Leaders in such conditions should develop strategies aimed at maintaining competitive advantages, supporting team morale and ensuring the stability of business processes.It is emphasized that a leader must be able to convey to employees a clear vision of future changes, ensure understanding of their importance and mobilize resources for their implementation. The article concludes with recommendations for implementing strategic approaches to change management in times of crisis. Attention is focused on image-making and the motivational component when working with personnel. It is proved that the success of an enterprise or organization depends on how effectively managers can respond to changing conditions, develop and implement adaptation strategies and provide support to employees at all levels.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: crisis management; image-making; communication; personnel management; motivation
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет економіки та управління > Кафедра управління
Depositing User: доцент Алла Валер'янівна Михацька
Date Deposited: 20 Nov 2024 09:28
Last Modified: 20 Nov 2024 09:28

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