Personal crisis as a predictor of post-traumatic stress disorder in student youth

Сергєєнкова, Оксана Павлівна and Столярчук, Олеся Анатоліївна and Савченко, Юрій Юрійович and Антипін, Євген Борисович (2024) Personal crisis as a predictor of post-traumatic stress disorder in student youth Перспективи та інновації науки. Серія Педагогіка. Психологія. Медицина (11(45)). pp. 1605-1616. ISSN 2786-4952

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The article covers the study of the content and determination of the personal crisis of students caused by the war, as well as the clarification of the impact of this crisis on the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder. Against the background of powerful stressful experiences, a personal crisis has unfolded among student youth, primarily provoked by the suppression of basic needs for security and stability. Crisis experiences were intensified by many young people's experience of cognitive dissonance due to the destruction of their sense of well-being, instead filling their emotional space with anxiety due to uncertainty, fear for their own lives and the lives of loved ones, anger, anger, aggression due to disruption of stability and limited opportunities to influence the situation. It has been established that the extreme conditions of life, which are accompanied by powerful threats to the mental and vital health of young people in the conditions of war, provoke them to experience a crisis of loss of a sense of security. The most vivid indicator of a crisis is strong frustration and traumatic emotional experiences of anxiety. To a large extent, the adaptive response to extreme events depends on the resilience potential of youth. A constructive way out of the crisis manifests itself as the crystallization of life values, justice and self-respect, increasing resilience and adaptability to stressful life circumstances. The destructive experience of a crisis of loss of a sense of security is manifested in helplessness, hopelessness, activation of protective mechanisms of displacement, avoidance, isolation. For future psychologists, unprocessed developmental traumas in combination with pathogenic introspection and an unbalanced self-concept appear as complicating factors in the occurrence of PTSD. Those students who have a destructive experience of a crisis of loss of a sense of security fall into the risk group for the occurrence of PTSD as a result of unresolved mental trauma. Timely provision of psychological help and social support to a young person prevents the further development of PTSD or mitigates its course.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: mental trauma; personal crisis; resilience; post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); students
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра освітології та психолого-педагогічних наук
Факультет психології, соціальної роботи та спеціальної освіти > Кафедра психології особистості та соціальних практик
Depositing User: Олеся Анатоліївна Столярчук
Date Deposited: 26 Nov 2024 08:40
Last Modified: 26 Nov 2024 08:40

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