Multimedia and interactive elements of electronic educational publications for higher schools

Фіголь, Надія Миколаївна and Файчук, Тетяна Григорівна and Фіголь, Богдан Олександрович (2024) Multimedia and interactive elements of electronic educational publications for higher schools Інтегровані комунікаціїї (1 (17)). pp. 178-186. ISSN 2524-2652

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The article analyzes the appropriateness of using multimedia and interactive elements in electronic educational publications for higher education.It has been established that quite often, in spite of their positioning as electronic, the requirement for an interactive component is completely ignored in publications for higher education. This, in our opinion, is a significant drawback because, without the use of additional opportunities provided by the ability of ENV to integrate with technological information resources, it loses its practical meaning and turns into an analogue of an ordinary printed book, which is only reproduced by computer technology.In addition, the neglect of the interactive component also violates the dialogic principle of students’ work with ENV, because it should ensure not only an impartial connection of the student with auxiliary information resources, but also serve as a connecting link between the student and the teacher.So, as we can see, the need to use electronic educational publications as an effective means of improving the quality of education in higher education institutions is indisputable, that is why it is so important to develop modern electronic educational publications that would meet advanced requirements.The specificity of working on multimedia elements of an e-textbook is that the editor has to develop or adjust the technical tasks created by the author for photographers, illustrators and directors. All multimedia learning tools, which we defined as illustrations, video materials, audio materials, infographics and virtual reality elements, should be stylistically related to each other and the artistic design of the EP as a whole. The main requirement for any kind of multimedia means is to fulfill a clearly established pedagogical function. Multimedia elements should not duplicate the text of the textbook, they should detail, illustrate and supplement it

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: electronic educational publication; interactivity; multimedia; electronic textbook; institution of higher education; illustrative material; video materials; virtual reality.
Subjects: Статті у базах даних > Index Copernicus
Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет журналістики > Кафедра медіапродюсування та видавничої справи
Depositing User: д.н. Надія Миколаївна Фіголь
Date Deposited: 03 Dec 2024 08:45
Last Modified: 03 Dec 2024 08:45

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