Personal and professional contexts of training master's students for research

Іванюк, Ганна Іванівна (2024) Personal and professional contexts of training master's students for research Наука і техніка сьогодні (12(40)). pp. 651-664. ISSN 2786-6025

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The article highlights the actual theoretical and practical problem of the personal and professional aspects of training master's students under the educational and professional program «Primary Education» for scientific research. In the context of the multidimensional essence of teacher training, which is expressed by psychophysiological, didactic, moral and ethical determinants, personal and professional aspects are revealed, which are based on the inner meanings of the individual to the conscious acceptance of oneself in the profession and research activity in the field of education. The basic concept of «readiness for research» is clarified and presented as: a complex concept containing emotional (psychological) and valuable components and cognitive ability to perform research tasks of a theoretical, theoretical-practical and experimental nature. According to the derived concept, the motivational-value, procedural-technological, reflexive components of the personal and professional readiness of future primary school teachers for research in the field of education are distinguished and characterized. Based on the results of the theoretical analysis of the works of modern Ukrainian and foreign scientists, the leading conceptual ideas have been singled out, highlighting the essence of current approaches to taking into account the personal and professional aspects of the student's, at the second (master's) level of higher education, readiness for research. The interdisciplinary relationships between the program requirements for the preparation of future masters in primary education for research and their requests for personal and professional aspects of readiness for designing, organizing and gradually conducting theoretical and experimental research on current general secondary education, Ukrainian and foreign pedagogical thought, the contribution of pedagogical personalities to the development of productive pedagogical ideas and productive practices are summarized and characterized. The content of the article presents individual practical experiences of the author in designing and teaching the course «Research in the field of education: Scientific research in the field of education» under the educational and professional program for applicants of the second (master's) level of higher education in the specialty «Primary education».

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: personal and professional contexts; master's training; primary education; educational and professional program; readiness; values, motivational and value component; procedural and technological component; reflective component; scientific experiment; research methods; digital tools; implementation of research results, content module
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра освітології та психолого-педагогічних наук
Depositing User: Олена Анатоліївна Венгловська
Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2024 07:47
Last Modified: 12 Dec 2024 07:47

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