Technologies of virtual and augmented reality in teaching the curriculum «Ukaine language in the modern communicative space» to higher education acquires

Овсієнко, Людмила Миколаївна (2024) Technologies of virtual and augmented reality in teaching the curriculum «Ukaine language in the modern communicative space» to higher education acquires Теоретична і дидактична філологія (38). pp. 143-159. ISSN 2309-1517, 2415-3656

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The rapid spread of immersive technologies in all industries and spheres of activity has led to their active introduction into education and science. Digital competence has become one of the keys for both applicants and scientific and pedagogical workers of higher education institutions, who must possess innovative tools for teaching and conducting research. One of the most modern ways to improve the effectiveness of traditional, distance and mixed learning is the use of augmented reality (VR, AR) technologies. The specified technologies contribute to the integration of real and virtual learning tools and mobile devices using the Internet. The author of the publication focused on the characteristics of virtual technologies, which should be an integral part of the modern educational process, their capabilities, advantages and prospects. And also offered virtual and augmented reality platforms and applications that can be used during learning the Ukrainian language in the communicative space, among them: CoSpaces, GazeCoin, VR Classroom, Nearpod VR, Kahoot! 3D, VuforiaChalk, Edoramedia VR Lessons, Engage, Zspace (platforms); QR code, Snaappy, WowBox AR, Mind Map AR, Acropolis interactive educational VR 3D, Sites in VR, camera translator, Mozaik3D app, Coomics and cartoon maker, WallaMe, Google Play services for AR (apps), etc. The scientist concluded that virtual learning opens up completely new opportunities for both teachers and learners. It makes the process of acquiring competences interesting, creative and effective. Nowadays, many institutions are implementing virtual reality and using various platforms and applications in classes. The ability to abstract and immerse yourself in the simulated world and work on certain material in an updated format contributes to visualization, motivation and deeper study of the discipline, makes it possible to transfer a certain part of the educational activity of the students to the remote plane. Virtual platforms and applications have great potential in learning the Ukrainian language. However, the researcher noted that they cannot completely replace the traditional educational process. Their use will be most appropriate when mastering complex topics of program material

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ukrainian language in the communicative space; digital competence; immersive technologies; virtual reality; augmented reality; AR; VR; platforms; applications; CoSpaces; GazeCoin; VR Classroom; Nearpod VR; Kahoot! 3D; VuforiaChalk; Edoramedia VR Lessons; Engage; Zspace; QR code; Snaappy; WowBox AR; Mind Map AR; Acropolis interactive educational VR 3D; Sites in VR; camera translator; Mozaik3D app; Coomics and cartoon maker; WallaMe; Google services Play for AR; training; education; higher education students
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Факультет української філології, культури і мистецтва > Кафедра української мови
Depositing User: Людмила Миколаївна Овсієнко
Date Deposited: 12 Dec 2024 08:13
Last Modified: 12 Dec 2024 08:13

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