Psychological aspect of forming academic integrity in teaching students of the specialty "Music art"

Сопова, Дана Олегівна and Куцан, Оксана Григорівна and Сокальська, Валентина Феліксівна (2024) Psychological aspect of forming academic integrity in teaching students of the specialty "Music art" Наукові перспективи, 11 (53). pp. 1171-1180. ISSN 2708-7530

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The article examines the psychological aspect of academic integrity in the context of university education and training of future specialists in the field of musical art. The author reveals the essence of the concept of academic integrity and its importance for the formation of competent students and musicians. The psychological side of the attitude towards plagiarism of students studying in the specialty "Musical Art" is also analyzed. The article notes the increase in cases of violations of the principles of academic integrity in the educational activities of Ukrainian higher education institutions. The author highlights the European experience in the formation of ethical competence of future specialists in the field of musical art as an example for overcoming psychological problems related to academic dishonesty. Academic integrity is one of the main principles of effective training in higher education institutions. For students of the specialty "Musical Art", it is particular importance, since training in this field involves creative self-realization, mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which requires a significant level of self-discipline, ethical responsibility and critical thinking. In the context of this process, the psychological aspects of the formation of academic integrity play an important role. Academic integrity defines the principles of ethical and professional learning, including the avoidance of plagiarism, unfair practices, as well as the observance of copyright and honesty in creative projects. For student musicians, this includes the use of one's own ideas in creativity, respect for the work of other artists, and integrity in collaboration in collective activities.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: academic integrity; academic fraud; ethical qualities; student code of honor; musical art; manifestations of academic dishonesty; plagiarism; psychological aspect
Subjects: Статті у періодичних виданнях > Фахові (входять до переліку фахових, затверджений МОН)
Divisions: Фаховий коледж «Універсум» > Циклова комісія з педагогічної освіти
Depositing User: Викладач Дана Олегівна Сопова
Date Deposited: 19 Dec 2024 10:11
Last Modified: 19 Dec 2024 10:11

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