Didactic guide for the future primary school teacher: electronic edition

Мієр, Тетяна Іванівна (2024) Didactic guide for the future primary school teacher: electronic edition Одноосібний. ЦП «Компринт», Україна, Київ.

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The handbook contains 31 topics, the content of each of which is systematically disclosed systematic disclosure in subtopics, which are information units of generalized reflection of domestic and foreign scientific developments on topical issues of organizing the learning process in primary school and the implementation of pedagogical activities by future primary school teachers. The thematic structure of the publication's content and the allocation of of the “Reference” and “Notebook” blocks contributes to the accelerated search for of information in the process of self-education, encourages systematic systematic note-taking of significant content of independently processed sources, aims to record their own reflective thoughts, which transferred to the rank of important, serves to select arguments in the process of preparation for the discussion of relevant information during various educational activities. For future primary school teachers, teachers of higher education institutions pedagogical education, teachers of postgraduate pedagogical teachers of postgraduate pedagogical education, practicing teachers.

Item Type: Словник, енциклопедія, довідник (Одноосібний)
Uncontrolled Keywords: goal setting; content of education; activity; action; educational activity; research activity; educational and research activity; pedagogical interaction; communication; form of education; independent work; teaching aids; exercise; task; research; assignment; excursion; educational project; practical work; problem situation; observation; personal mental formations (knowledge, experience, ways of doing things, skills); motivational sphere of personality; cognitive activity; cognitive independence; creativity; reflection.
Subjects: Словники, енциклопедії, довідники
Divisions: Факультет педагогічної освіти > Кафедра початкової освіти
Depositing User: Олена Іванівна Агоста
Date Deposited: 23 Dec 2024 09:27
Last Modified: 23 Dec 2024 09:27
URI: https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/50793

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